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Apartheid Killer said police want him to murder blacks

Negro killer rats out police.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
SOUTH AFRICA — Here’s a racism story fo’ yo’ azz: Louis van Schoor (né Sybrand Jacobus Lodewikus) — the racist security guard who moonlighted as the “Apartheid Killer” — raised eyebrows the other day when he said police officers encouraged him to murder black people. Ain’t that a bitch? He also claims the government paid him millions in remuneration to bust a cap in our black asses. Louis, if you recall, served 12 years in prison for deleting dozens of negroes in South Africa between 1986 and 1989. His youngest victim was 12 years old. As a toy cop, Louis was contracted to safeguard as many as 70 percent of white-owned businesses (i.e., restaurants, stores, manufacturing plants, and schools). The 73-year-old serial killer claimed he only murdered blacks who were breaking the law. But, scuttlebutt has it, Louis shot several of his negro victims while they had their hands up. The sadist also used a 9mm semi-automatic pistol with hollow-points, which means the bullets caused internal ruptures when entering their bodies.
He wanted niggas to suffer.
A 14-year-old burglar, who survived after gettin’ shot by Louis, gave a graphic account of what transpired during their encounter. “He told me to stand up, but I couldn’t,” the black kid recounted. “While I was lying there, he kicked me in the mouth. He picked me up and propped me up against a table and then he shot me again.” Louis said even through he was only doing his job, law enforcement should share culpability because the majority of the 39 negroes he murdered were deemed “justifiable homicides” by the police.
With a straight face, Louis said he’s not racist and he never went out “with the intention of killing black people.”
But he found stalking negroes in the dark quite “exciting” — like a fetish.
Before becoming a security guard, Louis served 12 years at the East London police department.
While there, he often used “attacker dogs” to masticate black people.
“Every officer in East London knew what was going on… all of the police officers knew,” Louis told reporters.
“Not once did anybody say, ‘Hey Louis, you’re on the borderline or you should cool it or whatever.’ They all knew what was happening.”
Patrick Goodenough, a South African journalist, echoed a homogenous sentiment.
“These were cover-ups… He had the backing from police officers from junior rank and senior rank,” he said.
“They wouldn’t investigate. They’d sit down with him and have a cigarette while chatting, with bodies lying nearby.”
Do you believe Louis?
Can police officers and government workers be trusted?
Watch Louis rat ’em out.
Share your thoughts.
And we blacks are told not to dwell in the past and to move on like nothing happened.
I’m confused. If a person breaks and enters, you do not know their intent. They could be planning on murdering you. You have the right to defend yourself.
Horrible piece of crap. How can anyone hurt a child
Ok now write a blog about hunters of white people.
Yesterday South Africa, today Israël.
Sounds about white.
Most Nazis got away with it too
Not saying it’s right but he wasnt killing these men in their beds at night. Where they not criminals?
Even though what he did was wrong no one seems to be concerned that the victims were criminals…the young boys were still juvenile criminals…all his victims were still CRIMINALS
I wouldn’t trust the words of a mass murder. Look at who he’s targeting this time, the police. All criminals hate the police.
Don’t steal and u won’t get in trouble
This is heart breaking – What a cruel man and a cruel Apartheid system
Only 12 years for 39 murders? Dam.
Steal from land thieving supremacist invaders – get hunted down and murdered in cold blood. Steal a whole country and get to keep your ill gotten gains, political influence, economic control, and gravity defying sense of entitlement.
Yet South Africans still fight to remove other Africans from their country – while this b@stard is still breathing?! Honestly, it’s difficult sometimes, to know who to have more contempt for… ️
He looks like he is really enjoying reminiscing about those days smh
5mins into this shit documentary and I am pissed
Clear reason why Africans must never forgive white people
Security officer does his job, kills criminals. Loony left, that only see people by their skin color, points out all the criminals were black.
Some of these comments are really funny. What about the genocide by Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, the on going war in the Congo, the Zenophobia, the “Necklacing” blacks putting car tires around other blacks and SETTING’S them on fire, the black on black violence in EVERY black country in the world? Go through ANY prison in the world in any country, and see who the majority of inmates are. But apparently black on black violence is tolerated.
Sick coward you dont chose who should be part of society.
As a born free I never really understood this thing of apartheid cause alotta my colored people would tell me that apartheid was better than the days we live in now but watching this documentary has given me a much bigger understanding watching the heart ache of people and families affected by the hands of a white man is beyond repair so many other families still have no answers I pray peace and love to always flow through my country ️ we need a life time of healing cause this pain runs so deep
look how f@#ked SOUTH AFRICA is now because of black people
They are the white devils that the Bible speaks of. They are demonic in nature and their lineage shows us this time and time again.
The saddest thing is that there are 100s of Schoors roaming free
As a black man i feel sorry for these type of people. I mean imagine being lost and in darkness at the same time. Anger and hate slowly devouring you from the inside. May God forgive them and us. I forgive them too.
African-Americans and Black South-Africans have similar stories. We both experienced horrible atrocities under segregation/apartheid.
Black people never went to no one’s land and claimed it as their own, we welcome guests with a smile and food because thats what basic humanity should be. We never enslaved anyone, we never claimed to be superior to anyone. Africa was a continent of people who did not disturb any other. Why do white people have so much against us? They came to our land and stole it from us, they colonized our ancestors and made them foreigners in a land rightfully theirs and did all these horrendous things which still continue to this very day. Why?