Father killed at Walgreens. Blog King, Mass Appeal MIRAMAR -- The adventures of Pookie &…
Father of 7 fatally shot on Fourth of July, killer loose

Father of seven shot dead.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
DETROIT — “🎵They smile in your face. All the time, they want to take your place. The backstabbers.🎵” Law enforcement officials are investigating after 35-year-old Jaret Mays was gunned down on Independence Day. The homicide transpired around 11 a.m. on July 4, 2024 at Jaret’s apartment complex in Detroit, Michigan. According to police reports, Jaret was chillin’ in the parking lot of the Peachtree Apartments when somebody pulled up with a gun and opened fire — striking him in the head. Jaret, a father of seven with five baby mamas, was pronounced dead at the scene. Police said there’s no suspects in custody and, because snitches get stitches, nobody’s talking. “We want to see justice,” Jaret’s aunt, Lorie Mays, told reporters. “We want people to speak up.” What’s sad is Jaret had it going on. He owned a shoe cleaning business. He worked for a major automobile manufacturer. And, he was a healthcare practitioner. Dude had more jobs than a Jamaican.
“Jaret was a man of many talents,” Aunt Lorie said. “He owned his own company called Shoe Solutions, he worked at Chrysler, he was a nurse by trade, he was also in skill trade, he had trained for that, he worked at UPS, he worked at Beaumont as a nurse.” Jaret was also an actor who starred in several movies filmed in Detroit. His murder comes a day after a man was stabbed at the same complex. Jennifer Marie Hayes, 29, perforated her boyfriend and left his ass to die. She was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
Damn, Peachtree Apartments ain’t no joke.
Social media reaction was vicious.
One commenter wrote, “Jealousy is a bitch!”
Another chimed in with, “He ain’t have all them damn jobs.”
A third person added, “One of his baby mamas did this.”
Watch the explosive documentary.
Share your thoughts.
Some demonic dusty monster was jealous of him.
None of us are perfect but this is the type of person you want in the community. You can tell he had a good spirit. Heartbreaking
Can’t be popular in your own city… You can’t show off your success these days .. people are so sad and jealous
his kids look like him…… just sad 😢
Dang I’ve watched his social media and planned on supporting his shoe service. Smh fly high man!️ 🕊 🙏 blessings to his loved ones
Note: Don’t apply to Peachtree apartments.
The jealousy within the African American community is disturbing.
He Left Seven Children behind so sad 😢😢😢
Sometimes it’s best to move away because people become jealous and envious.
Old vet here. Black people used to love and support one another, now it’s crabs in a bucket. Miserable, heartless, loveless “haters” are everywhere. I know we’re living in a tech age, but please be careful and selective when posting your prosperity online. Depraved individuals are lurking and plotting your demise. Be safe. Be aware.Stop the jealousy. Work hard and you can achieve the same and even more.
He seemed like such a humble and good dude. This world is so evil and cruel
With 7 kids, he should’ve been married . BLK men need to do better .
Evil wicked world we living in but remember u might think u can do what ever in this world but remember u will answer to the creator what ever your faith is then you know 💯
Prays and love to the victims family, friends
The jealousy is unbelievably outrageous in the world today! I got chills. So many children are being left motherless and fatherless it’s truly unbelievably heart wrenching. I call on the Churches to come together and pray for our Sons and Daughters who are in trouble out here!! Forget about the money for a minute and Pray for our children.
Jealousy is a dangerous ingredient. 🙏🌹🌷😢
Who said it was jealousy we dont even know who did it yaw be reaching in these comments
He is so fine. Damn. What a loss
Some demonic dusty monster was jealous of him.
I can’t even finish watching this story so heartbreaking because he seemed to be a good guy in his shit…just over sharing these days create silent bitter haters it’s fucking sick
I seen him and got pregnant wow he handsome 😢
They murdered Superman. Wow he was doing it all while being a parent to SEVEN KIDS. No one is safe smh.
They took a Great Man from his family and community and I guarantee you, it was for nothing. RIP Young King 👑
What a beautiful man inside and out. I’m so sick of these jealous, envious ass ninjas taking life for NO REASON!!!! This man was doing good staying out of the way of trouble and didn’t deserve this. His babies are going to miss him. So damn sad.