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Olivia: Women often think about ex while having sex

Olivia says men are always competing/YouTube

Women cherish their first love.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

SEATTLE — “🎵You, me and he, what we gonna do, baby?🎵” Fellas, do you often wonder how many men your woman f*cked prior to meeting you? Do you consider yourself the best lover she’s ever had? If so, I have alarming news. A viral video shows “Blueprint” author Olivia Alexa revealing the cold hard truth about how women typically draw juxtapositions between their man’s dick and the phallus of an ex. In her podcast “How You’re Sexually Competing With Every Man In Her Past,” the prepossessing redbone appears to insinuate that while you’re clappin’ your woman’s cheeks, she’s ruminating about her first love. It’s certainly not uncommon for a chick to yell another man’s name during an orgasm. “Here’s the truth most men don’t want to face,” Olivia said. “You’re in constant competition with every man in your woman’s past, whether you want to be or not. Every man that has touched her body or ever triggered her emotions has left a bar that you’re constantly being measured against.”

Olivia believes no matter how well a man performs in the bedroom, his woman will never forget the dude who purloined her virginity. “That first love leaves a lasting mark on her, shaping how she views relationships for the rest of her life,” Olivia explained. “Every man that comes after him is always competing with that very first imprint. Everything from her raw sexual passion to her emotional depth to her full attention, every guy from her past has taken a piece of her and he’ll forever own that part.”

“That’s why men have always valued female virginity,” Olivia continued.

“It’s not just about purity, it’s about knowing that she hasn’t been imprinted by other men. Because her sexual history is a direct measure of how loyal she will be moving forward.”

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “Why I chose to get a passport? 1. I’m not obligated to be a clean-up man for Pookie & Ray Ray because I’m short, not hood, nice, stable, not the most popular, etc. 🤷🏿‍♂️ 2. Why should I do anything that Pookie, Ray Ray and Tyrone never had to do? 🤔 I don’t want to pay for something they got for free. 🤷🏿‍♂️ 3. Modern women are upset with good guys for opting for passports because they want us to be their safety net/ backup plan/beta buck provider after they’ve hit the wall, had a bunch of kids, and been ran through by the same Pookies and Tyrones running through all the other 304s in the same city. 🙄🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ And, 4. Fellas, get your passport and never look back. You can be yourself overseas. Being under 6 feet tall doesn’t mean friend zone and foodie calls. Foreign women make you feel wanted.”

Another person added, “The one lesson the universe has taught me over and over again is that no matter how much you think she’s different, how hard she’s worked to earn your trust, or how strong you think your connection is, EVERY girl is capable of losing all attraction for you in an instant and leaving you. She can tell you how much she loves you, and how she’d never hurt you, then meet a guy who gives her butterflies and in that moment, everything she told you is negated and she don’t have feelings for you anymore.”

Are women out of pocket for dreaming about their ex?

Should men give a damn about who they f*cked in the past?

Watch Olivia keep it 💯.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. But women are very offended when you compare them to your ex girlfriends. Such hypocrites😡

  2. @Romell Jeremiah: Bullshit. You aint the first. I already fucked her.

  3. Here’s my issue with all of this. Why should us men care so much about being whatever women really want? Why are women so much more important that men go to an early grave trying to become what they desire? For procreation? Not every man wants kids so what then? Sex? Yes but that only goes so far. What else then? Why this emphasis on men needing to jump through hoops for “the right one”?? Why not women jump through hoops and work on their endless issues in order to get and keep the right man? I’m married but if that were to ever change I’d be perfectly happy by myself without all the stress, expense and drama that comes with pursuing and keeping a woman. It’s all grossly overrated in my book. If I want a companion I’ll get a dog. Also, women too are competing with a man’s sexual past. I have broken up with women because they didn’t measure up to previous sex partners. It goes both ways. They had a lot of and we had a lot of . Unless you’re with a virgin, everyone is competing with past sexual partners.

  4. I never cared about that. Whether or not i was the best or where i rank with her during intercourse. Never had to brag about myself i just let it occur with no self consciousness.

  5. Don’t take these 304 serious they’re like bus passes is what she’s saying

  6. Women are sexually competing with every female from a men’s past. We as men talk about it a lot. Especially when we dating a new chick.


  8. Maaan this is deep when you truly think about it and its really fcked up smh

  9. “Now we are paying the price for pretentiing otherwise.” Put that on a T- shirt and coin it.

  10. they’ve got a used pussy 😺 and there’s no shortage of simps waiting for some cheap snatch 😂

  11. This is why so many men are choosing to leave the game. If girls aren’t virgins and they bring nothing a guy desires to the table, leave them to their eventual misery. Why would we waste our lives and futures on such horrible options?

  12. We know. That’s why men check for her history and why the hook up culture is in full effect. Dating is gone.

  13. 😂….no thx….dont wanna be competing with other men or worrying about her past….cant do it anymore….betrayal hurts the most and does the most damage and ive had more than my fair share of that…i guess u can say im damaged by it….traumatised by it so am incapable of being in a relationship

  14. This is why as men it’s important to ask those questions about relationships and sexual history.

  15. I’m the same I compare all women to the best sex I had with many different girls! I also compare them to the kindness and love my ex wife gave me and carried on giving me even 10 years after we split because I didn’t want to sow my wild oats

  16. Competing with my wife’s past has been the biggest challenge of our marriage. If I could do it again, I would pick someone else with less baggage.

  17. I dated this young lady years ago that told me that she loved having sex in the rain. She said this while looking out of the window of my car in a day dream. I said to her, “We’ve never had sex in the rain”. She then tried to clean it up and say that she meant she’d like to have sex in the rain, but the look in her eyes as she was daydreaming told me everything I needed to know.

  18. I met a woman who is 60 years old and she STILL talk about her first sexual encounter who was a married man. She said he had her seeing “fireworks”🎉 😂. And he has long sinced moved on with his life. And there she is still single, old, and still thinking about him. I didn’t pursue her. Kept her in the “friend zone”.

  19. We all eventually find out our wives/ girl friends were the village bicycle 😂

  20. Why are women so sneaky and crafty? Why can’t they be truthful and genuine for once

  21. The way you show up emotionally and mentally is what truly sets you apart from her past experiences and competitors.

  22. I learned this the hard way when I was younger. At 45 no matter if you dating a woman in her 20s or an older woman your always competing with her past and unfortunately there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Either you take her for who she’s become and pray shes taken accountability or just don’t be in a relationship all together.

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