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Transgender chick says he bamboozled 50 horny men

Trannies love tricking straight men/YouTube

Tranny admits tricking incels. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

LOS ANGELES — “🎵I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes, hey!🎵” Fellas, here’s another reason to check women’s driver’s licenses and birth certificates prior to waxin’ that ass. A viral video shows a transgender woman admitting he bamboozled 50 heterosexual men into believing he’s a biological popsy prior to sodomy. The Caucasian he-she put his fudge-packers on blast during an appearance on the “Reality Check Show,” claiming they had no idea they were f*cking a bussy instead of a pussy. “How many guys you reckon you tricked into believing that you were born a woman when you were trans?” asked the host. “I think about 50 guys” the tranny replied. “You can call it ‘tricked’ but, in my train of thought at the time, I was just so adamant on the fact that why should I have to tell guys that I’m trans before I sleep with them? Like, why is that important?”

“But then once I came out as trans and realized how much it traumatized about 5 guys, I was getting threats…” the tranny continued. “I then realized wow… like, what I was doing was wrong. But I never had trans women around to really educate me and tell me what to do. If I never came out as trans, nobody would ever know.” Social media reaction was wild. One commenter wrote, “Ok, question: How can a guy sleep with her and not know? Doesn’t she have a wiener?🌭”

Another chimed in with, “This is why trannies get killed. You can’t go around deceiving people and expect to not be sent to the upper room. They bring this sh*t on themselves.”

A third viewer added, “The voice is a dead giveaway!!!! SHEESH!! NOT TO MENTION THE GIANT HANDS, FOOTBALL SHOULDERS, AND ORANGUTAN ARMS!😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅”

What say you?

Should there be a law against chicks with dicks concealing their biological sex?

Should men check for a phallus prior to canoodling?

Watch the he-she put her tricks on blast.

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. That should be sexual assault …he is a predator and should be held accountable

  2. This should be against the law. A man in a dress preying upon naive men is a vile,.disgusting, predatory behavior. Lying, deceiving, and manipulating is coercive behavior, which is an act of violence, and he should be charged accordingly.

  3. Nobody deserves to be tricked into a sex act. We have a word for that. If you have to lie or hide things about yourself in order for a person to be intimate with you,you are taking away their consent. Its plain wrong.

  4. I’m filing charges this happened to me. I literally felt violated.

  5. Then they wonder why they get killed for such disgusting undermined tactics…

  6. The fact that some of the men felt traumatized after they found out tells you that this is a consent issue. If some of them never would’ve slept with this person had they known then this seems like they were violated. I think they should come up with a law to cover this form of abuse and predators like this one should face consequences. Maybe the threat of punishment would discourage the deception

  7. The only man that couldn’t tell the difference would be a dude who’s never had sex with a real woman prior to this. Buncha incels 🥴

  8. Stop using the Backdoor and keep the Lights on. You’ll see the Scars or Ding-a-ling

  9. they want people to respect who they are, they should respect who others are. They know dam well there will be men that would not be into this. this also goes against many religious beliefs and they know it.

  10. These transformers are really running out of runway. I wonder why our ancestors wrote multiple books and made religions all decrying this. Hmmmm, it almost like society collapses shortly after this stuff starts.

  11. I don’t agree. Guys pretend their hands are women. They pretend the women on their phones are real sex. These trans women are just out having sex and are a heck of a lot more women than the mens hands or phones. One night stands, no, Don’t think it needs to be disclosed. Long term relationship, yes, it for sure impacts the possibility of progeny.

  12. A trans-woman might be able to fool a virgin guy into sleeping with “her”, but any guy who’s been with a biological woman should have known the difference. If that’s your thing, hey you do you, but to claim victimhood after seems a bit of a stretch. That being said, honesty is the most important part of any real relationship, and if that’s what “she’s” after, lying off the jump isn’t the way to do it.

  13. @RTA6226: He’s a dude. Quit calling that thing a woman.

  14. Men lie to pick up women then break their hearts so what’s the difference?

  15. The plan is to make all men gay since y’all natural women screaming y’all don’t need no men these trans like ok we will take them , us natural women should feel betrayed that a man pretending to have the natural things you have is taking the straight men thru deception and now we all being looked at as deceptive when it’s these trans doing it and they have more rights and laws protecting them that us natural women do , how dare a man tell me a natural women to call him a she and I’m hate speeching or phobic for refusing to agree with this lunatic nahh. God is not the author of confusion.

  16. My husband and I watched this happen to a male acquaintance of ours last night – who as far as we know – is and has always been staunchly heterosexual. By the time we got to the bar last night – this male acquaintance of ours was making out with someone who is a pretty obvious trans woman. (Despite the very obvious wig that she wears – she’s man size, she has the build of a man, and her features are frankly, manly. Since I also happen to be acquaintances with her – I’ve had conversations with her about her transitioning journey, etc… My husband and I contemplated trying to figure out a way to inconspicuously intervene – simply just to give him a heads up, in case his beer goggles were just THAT severely blinding. A few minutes later – we watched them in sheer horror as they exited the bar hand in hand, smiling. What could we have possibly done?!?!?

  17. @Gioachina: You do know that some Trans women don’t have dicks, right? Still a terrible thing to lie about, but I think a super drunk dude might not clock a man-made vaginas.

  18. As a hetero guy, i’ve to admit, for a man, that guy really looks nice…

  19. If the “man” looks mostly like a woman how is it gay? You have sex with a vagina and your gay? I do think they should disclose that they’re trans but mostly everyone freaks out cuz they think they’re gay. If they do not have a penis your not gay 😂

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