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Do courtesans offer better packages than girlfriends?

Western relationships are wild/YouTube

Are hookers a better option? 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

KANSAS CITY — Single ladies, step up ya game. ‘Cause there’s a lot of great dating options out there. Passport Bros my ass. Check this out: This weekend, yours truly was “Home Alone” in my draws, being Macaulay Culkin when a prepossessing popsy came across my social media feed. The voluptuous damsel proffered her pornographic services, saying she’ll give me two hours of fantasy for $200 and she’ll throw in a complimentary shower to boot. The hottie also makes housecalls. No hotels. And for a total of $400 she’ll spend the night. Babygirl said, “I’ll come to you. Give you pleasure. Satisfy your fetishes. Then leave so you can get back to your normal, professional life.” Dayuuummm! Telling you dawg, it’s every bachelor’s reverie come true. Not sure what’s going on with y’all, but I’ve been tempted lately even though I’m minding my own damn business.

First, the Illuminati invitation.

Now this.

Somebody is definitely f*cking with me.

Nevertheless… As soon as babygirl spoke, I started ruminating. See, before COVID, I normally paid $200 every time I took a chick out on a date or hit the club. And, can’t lie, I copulated with many of those women. So, in that sense, my love life is homogeneous to what the model proposed. The only variance is this: the popsy presented something money typically can’t buy. Peace. See, us real G’s realize you don’t pay a courtesan for sex. You pay her to leave. Zion Williamson is the exception to the rule.

With a wife or girlfriend, you get nooky (sometimes).

But you also inherit all the nagging, cantankerous, household-related stress that comes with it.

That’s why there’s no denying babygirl offers one helluva package.

Think about it.





It’s the American Dream, n*gga.

Again, same $200 you’d expend on a wife or girlfriend. But babygirl’s conglomeration is more enticing. Options like this elucidate why more high-value men have ‘flipped the bird’ at the dating scene. There’s simply sexier, mo’ feasible options available. Dissatisfied bachelors made their choice by purchasing passports and traveling overseas for vulva. Keep in mind, all women cost money. Doesn’t matter if she’s a wife, girlfriend or family member. Women cost.

But tranquility is what most men prefer and, thanks to popsies like babygirl, we can now put a price on it.

Is there a dating crisis?

What’s better? A traditional woman or a modern one?

Share your thoughts.

This Post Has 63 Comments

  1. I’m 43, make 101k and already have a handsome and intelligent 18 yr old son. Wtf do I need a modern woman for? Nothing.

  2. Well written Blog King. Hookers give all the benefits without the hassle.

  3. Even after marriage, we do all the work; it’s shameful. It’s not even about being a minimum wage earner, men that make 300k+ get treated like crap just a few years into their marriages! XX humanoids are UNGRATEFUL at ALL levels.

  4. A man get punished in Divorce!!! A women get everything she wants with a divorce!!! a bad deal for men just for sex it not worth it.

  5. Tell Them what they Wanna Ear, have fun then leave….best way to be happy nowadays

  6. When a woman calls YOU and asks you on a date of her arrangement, (or if she flat-out says she wants to go to bed with you) you can be assured she is genuinely interested in you. I have had this happen on a few occasions, but the circumstances or the woman was not right for me. One invitation I accepted on a friendship basis, as we had already been doing things together as friends, but she was interested in more than just friendship. Women will do what they have to do when they are not getting what they want.

  7. @ImmortalTreknique: Thats the comment of the day.😂😂😂

  8. A woman doesn’t even need to be traditional, just be willing to work together and put in mutual effort.

  9. Men are by nature, providers and protectors- they can look after themselves, they don’t need women. Men don’t need a parasite living off their resources. Ring any bells?

  10. Brothers if you can afford it, get yourself a passport and travel the world, I promise you that you will find someone so much better than these self entitled ladies back in the states, it’s too late for them to change but it’s never too late for us men. Join the cause and become a passport bro. Always accepting applications.

  11. Bullshit these modern entitled women are saying we men don’t put no effort, what about when we ask for their number, and they either refuse to give it or if they do, they ghost us, quietly block our number, and pretend to our face that they did nothing wrong to us. They make me sick. I despise their deception

  12. I was a good guy, I didn’t like it. Now I:
    – I live only for myself
    – I only spend money on myself.
    – I won’t date women.

  13. Then as these woman get older, they will not have much in a pension. Say hello to a trailer park.

  14. As a 34 y.o white male, I can confidently tell that there is no such thing as a dating crisis.

  15. Women go for Chad and Tyrone, not the average Joe as a result women only desired pursuing the top 10% of men (now top 2% – 5%) as a result majoring of men are essentially invisible to women. Guess what ladies that guy doing the tough or dangerous job makes or eventually will make 6 figures without the degree or owning the business. I’m just starting out with my CDL as a hazmat driver i saw a job posting for a fuel hauler that said 225K per year, I didn’t look into it because I know I don’t have the qualifications for a job like that yet, but it’s nice to see the extreme high end of what my earning potential could be.

  16. Being a musician I deal with these 304s every weekend. Sell em the dream. Pump & Ghost. Repeat. So easy guys.

  17. 50% of men have bailed on dating and marriage but women only see the top 10% of men. That means there are 40% of men simping to women hoping to get a mate. More and more of these men are seeing that relationships with women is a losing proposition and joining the 50% of men that have already left.

  18. Covid showed me one thing…Just how many women out there were willing to sacrifice their children’s mental and physical health so that they stayed in high standing with the the fake likes on their FB posts.

  19. you watch, 25 years from now nursing homes will be full of single childless boss bitches. I`ll be on my boat enjoying my life.

  20. I am not an A.T.M.. I am not a free meal.. I am not a green parachute. I am mgtow. And my life has never been more peaceful.

  21. In my youth I met girls face to face. I knew them before we dated… the flesh, their personality. Most were rejected very early on. We shared common backgrounds with the girls we dated, common values.
    Then we were nearly all married off by 25…..home, kids.
    We BUILT a life TOGETHER….most women didn’t wait for a rich guy to steal from.
    Now women shop on dating sites, picking men as they’d pick shoes or handbags. They chase “high value” men without even understanding that 90% of women don’t qualify other than as booty calls.
    Then they have babies by losers or men they subsequently divorce rape and expect the men they rejected to step up…..or wait until they are barren, been on the cock carousel for 18 years and wonder where all the good men are. Those men are either already married or have given up trying.
    Great job ladies…..feminism, yay 😂

  22. They don’t realize that CORNY will keep them right forever. All those women that have long lasting healthy marriages are married to corny men.

  23. These sistas don’t EVER want to take accountability for ANYTHING. Barely wanna keep a clean home. SMH…. Single life don’t seem so bad these days.

  24. Dating sites have ruined everything. I had two sistas run back to the streets because they had “better options”. They both ended up coming back and in both cases……the WAP was trashed!! They both went out at 48+ years-old and tried to catch a few more bodies before settling down but it backfired because I dumped them after sex.

  25. I say pay a hooker but wear a condom. American women aint worth dating.

  26. seriously, how much do you spend on your girlfriend? I barely spend more than a hundred on me ex gf a month, and she also do me favors, that’s way less than a whore. The only way gf cost more than a whore is if you found a gold digger or a pampered brat.

  27. The best sex I ever had was from a prostitute.. she took my soul. She was the best kisser.

  28. All women are hookers and got they hand out. Only difference is most dont want to admit it.


  30. Fucking annoying to pretend a girl is special when all I want is to fuck her. Hookers are a blessing!

  31. Thank Fuck I’ve never dated all my life. Regular women make me fucking sick!

  32. I’m 52 years old. Single. No kids. live alone. The Spiritual person whom I accept guidance from told me the same thing about a prostitute. If your honest about a friendship / relationship a prostititute is much more intelligent, wiser, can be more emotionally stable and can comunicate more comfortably than a non- prostitute.

  33. I’ve never fucked a hooker, all of My friends have. The reason why I’ve never done that is because of spiritual reasons and also am scared of contacting diseases. I’ve always tell myself that I want to smash a thousand women in my life but maybe I won’t, because my fear of contacting sexually transmitted diseases is greater than my urge for having sex.
    I hit the gym I don’t have problems with women but I’m Just tired with their attitude
    So I told myself that next year I’ll start smashing a hooker, caz it’s easier

  34. Oddly, I have had serious relationships with three different prostitutes. That said, I DID NOT meet them as sex workers, but socially. I suppose that may have made a major difference, because I met them only as “regular women.” I found them pretty much like any woman I have dated, same hangups, same insecurities. In fact, I think that many prostitutes could actually make good long-term partners, as crazy as that may sound. I believe that a prostitute has seen so much of the ugly part of life, that when they find someone relatively “normal,” they’ll jump on it like a duck on a junebug. They’re only human.
    But here’s the caveat. If a woman has already seen you as strictly as a dollar sign, she will probably continue to look at you that way. But if you should ever meet one outside of the “business,” they can be delightful company, and even faithful and generous companions.

  35. There’s no such thing as easy sex either way you have to pay for it! I am nearly 54 and have only had sex once in my life it’s so hard to get.

  36. Can’t fault any man who wants to pay for escorts. It’s cheaper and less stressful

  37. Never ever pay for sex bros it will make you even more insecure and ruin your soul

  38. @bigcoop3717: Prostitute or girlfriend you have to pay that’s why prostitution is the oldest trade in the world!!

  39. I’d just rather masturbate, its really sad to pay someone for sex. Get in the gym, get working out, focus on your hobbies and play the guitar in a band for fuck sake, the women will come flowing. Flowing.

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