Shy girls are full of surprises. Blog King, Mass Appeal SEATTLE -- "🎵Oh-oh, here she…
Single lady says too many fellas are girlish, feminine

Single lady rips dating scene.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
ATLANTA — Ladies, are you having an onerous time finding a macho man? Does your male lover spend more time in the mirror than you do? If so, you’re not alone. A viral video shows a single black female excoriating American men for being too feminine. It’s her assertion that because so many boys are raised in fatherless homes, the byproduct is a society satiated with namby-pambies — à la Pookie & Ray Ray, Brad ‘n’ Chad. “Are y’all not concerned?” the vlogger asked while donning a red bonnet. “Are you not concerned with how many men are now feminine? Are we not concerned with how many men are now claiming to be women? Are we not concerned that the supposed to be future heads of the households, fathers, men and leaders of society are now beating their faces better than me on a Sunday morning? Are we not concerned that our men are no longer interested in women? Are we not concerned? If you are concerned, I beg of you — pray for the men in this world.”
“If God desired for the men to be the head, do you know what happens to a body when the head is severed?” she continued.
“The body can only function for so much longer. If you are not concerned, it’s time to get concerned… Because the goal of this agenda is to progressively take out the men, and have a women-ran society all over the world… The burden is growing heavier and heavier. We need to pray for the men.”
Social media reaction was vicious. One commenter wrote, “We keep blaming the absence of a father from the home for men being gay. I know we’re talking about feminine men, which doesn’t always equate to a man being homosexual. However, sadly — in American culture — feminine men are synonymous with being gay and homosexual. I don’t think people understand how many gay men grew up with a father in the house, and with brothers who played sports. Let me say this: a father, a brother, nor playing sports can influence sexuality. But, they can influence more masculine traits.”
Another chimed in with, “It’s sad. But why are all these women running around with these Jiffy Pop bags on their heads? Fix yourselves up. Straight men ain’t checking for that.”
A third viewer added, “There are more masculine women than feminine men. Modern women don’t realize that working a job makes them masculine because being employed is a male trait. It’s in the bible. Traditional women — on the other hand — are nurturing, domestic and docile. But I can’t find one anywhere. Modern women are in abundance. But they act like dudes. I’m better off masturbating.”
What’s my take?
After my parents divorced, I grew up in a single mom household.
But I made damn sure to do the exact opposite of everything she did.
I was determined to eschew being a pussy.
Having a man around helps tremendously.
My mom’s boyfriend taught me how to perform auto maintenance and change a tire.
For that, I’m eternally grateful.
That said, do you agree with Bonnet Girl?
Is there too much gender perplexity in America?
Watch babygirl get some sh*t off her chest.
Share your thoughts.
It’s a pandemic, nah no males, the son is being raised by his mom and her girls.
I can’t understand why blaming “Single Mothers” is the normal terminology in a society that clearly shows that males not wanting to be fathers is the appropriate term. Its the women having to raise these children, but they get all the blame. Males need to accept responsibility for their faults and the faults of their children, especially when they are not there
Now lesbians looking to go back to men, a lesbian asking how she got pregnant. 🤔
Watching their mom do women things does not turn them that way raaape turns them that way or exposing their rear genitals to stimulation too early in life like using a thermometer in there
They are raised by women. They are groomed by women. They are sensituve like women. They are emotional like their mother’s.
Something in the water 💦 or that chicken 🍗 frfr (Undercover Brother)
The work of the white scums
Can’t call them men these males are too far gone to be leaders of families
Who cares at this point!!! Its Over!!! Next!!!!!!
Them democrats got y’all in a headlock
I was a single mother! I made sure my son’s were involved in Bacari ! sports! Mentoring programs ran by educated Black Men! My son’s do not wear makeup and Love Black Women
Ok, wait. So this is women’s fault?
I came from a two parent household and my husband and I successfully raised our two children , we’re now very involved grandparents and loving every minute of it! However, it just didn’t happened; it’s a lot of work and patiences on both sides. What’s a woman to do if a man wishes to leave her with his child and continue to have more with other women? Why aren’t (men) they being called out for these fatherless boys? I mean the government is banning women from seeking alternatives and they are being blamed for going it alone- I mean, what’s going on here?
Still, it is a problem with this new femininity in men – it’s not a good look at all! I have grandsons, I WOULDN’T LIKE IT…
A single mother is always a mans scape goat. Especially black women. There are homes with both parents and the kid still ends up fucked up. Much easier to blame the mother then to put both people in the spot light.
She must be living in Atlanta
I saw a video or something on tv where this woman said she knew her 6 month old baby is gay. How the heck do you know that ????
im concerned with her filming with that thing on her head. my mom never got caught with that on until she turned 60 and had health problems
Yall called men toxic, masculinity toxic, male leadership toxic, structure toxic. Bw love saying they can raise boys into men while the statistics say other wise. Let WW3 pop off their tune will change but it will be too late because you destroyed your boys.
I believe if the parents are not together and the father is able and willing he needs to raise his son the majority of the time and he can go to the mom on the weekends. Boys need to be with their dads as much as possible
Gen X is the last Gen of real masculine men
Yall keep on voting dem……just keep voting dem.
Notice it’s only the Western civilization bcuz they don’t play that in the rest of the world
The majority of American men are lgbt. Stop blaming ladies. What is stopping these lazy men from getting their sons even if they are not with the mothers?
And she’s saying this wearing a bonnet. ️🤦♂️
Influx in black lesbians too don’t forget that,it alllllll point back to the government assistance and child support building established 1940 which also taking black fathers out the home till this day, right after kkk blew up BLACK WALL STREET AND ROSEWOOD
that Bonnet can turn men off , project bunnies.
Of course everything is the fault of women.
It baffles me!!! How black woman will baby their boys at the same time treat the daughters like scum. Sooo backward
Yeah, I work at a HBCU& these black men are very feminine and it’s concerning. A few years ago, when I went to college it wasn’t like that & now they are everywhere!
We concerned about why she still wearing that shower cap
Try to find a feminine woman, that’s equally difficult.
True and what about all these girls turning Gay wanting other Girls ?
Good.. now us liteskin brothers can laugh sense you all had skin color against us.
Don’t drink city water. Turns you gay.
And yet us Africans are chastised internationally for not accepting homosexuality… 😒
My son is 6 months and I pray to the heavens he doesn’t become feminine or gay 🙏🏾 I pray he meets a beautiful girl when he gets older and settle down lord please. Please cover my son and don’t let him get involved with the wrong crowds or go to jail! I’m do everything to make sure my son stay on the right path.
Last days on earth shall be as in Sodom and Gomorrah take a really good look around its right in your face
Yet they hang with these feminine males all day and watch saucy Santana act a fool on social media
Black females are the biggest champions of gay men don’t cry about it now now y’all see why Isiah chapter 4 verses 1-3 are going to come true right before your eyes
The Great Late , Dick Gregory ‘ Said The Government Has Designed A Chemical That Turns Black Men Gay And They Were Putting It In Mostly Black Hoods .