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Cartoon: Black women are struggling to find true love

Lexus Exodus made a controversial cartoon that illuminates modern women’s struggles in dating.

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  1. Listen, the fact that they all was up front with the f*ckery was a blessing. In real life, they waste your time first.

  2. Please date the man who was not looking for marriage but was married to a white woman and has several kids with her. They always talk bad about white people too 😂

  3. I promise you these are so many of the talking points of these podcast Bros. It’s hilarious. They really have such twisted mindsets. As a black woman when people have asked why I don’t really date black men, I always say that it’s not the aesthetics. I’m not a self hating black person. It’s really the mindset and unfortunately, it seems like 95% of them have these sorts of Mindsets and ideals, and they just keep passing it on to the next generation. Only 5% seem to be about something. And that’s their own choice to be that way.

  4. Sounds EXACTLY like BM! As soon as they say: alpha, fit feminine or big money… I’m out!

  5. @NetSunJin: and the reason why it’s that way because it’s them reacting to BW. Just imagine growing up as a BM and all you hear are different reasons why BW don’t want you, even if you don’t fall into any of those categories they’ll still find a way to tear you down. So of course it’s going to eventionally create a generation of men who will choose to speak than to suffer in silence.

  6. Well if BW would open up their options, chances of them finding someone on their level would increase. You dont have to stick with whats familiar. In other words, DATE OUT. Lol

  7. I’ve been called “big money” and every man I talk to always I think I got money and I don’t 😂

  8. I had a 73 year old man trying to holla at me. These men are nuts. I’m in my early 30s. Wtf can I do with a 73 year old man? He was fat, short, and looked like Super Mario. He was shocked to know that I don’t have kids and not married. I legit hate when they say “you’re too beautiful to be single” it’s so annoying and ignorant.

  9. the fact that the dude behind umar is saying the same shit he is saying to his own damn date! speaks volumes! these men just be spitting the same shit

  10. This is so accurate I remember about 10 years ago a guy asked me out on a date we went out then he had a nerve to ask me to split the bill. When I told him he was wrong about that he said I was a gold digger. They complain about women independent and complain about providing for them it’s crazy.

  11. “Im lookin for a fit and feminine woman” every man on Pop The Balloon 🎈

  12. The guy that want a traditional wife without being a traditional man is 100% on point!!!! I run into SOOO many of those.

  13. I had a few men call me “Big Money” plenty of times. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  14. “Okay, BOSS LADY…I’m trying to get like you”

    …but doesn’t really do anything to actually get like us 🙄

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