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Le’Veon Bell KO’d Adrian Peterson in 5-round bout

Bell knocks out Peterson.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
LOS ANGELES — A viral video shows Le’Veon Bell knocking out Adrian Peterson in a clash of quondam NFL running backs. Bell (drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers) and Peterson (drafted by the Minnesota Vikings) came to blows Saturday night in a five-round exhibition dubbed “No More Talk” at Banc of California Stadium in Los Angeles. After four lethargic rounds, Bell administered a coup de grâce in the fifth with a wicked right jab to Peterson’s chin. A wobbly Peterson stumbled to his feet to continue the fight but the referee mercifully intervened. “I appreciate everybody’s love and support, for real,” Bell said after the bout. “That’s really what kept me going. Honestly, all the hate … that motivates me.” Bell, 30, earned $250,000 for the knockout. Peterson, 37, took home a measly $15,000 in a losing effort. Social media reaction was fierce. One viewer wrote, “Big Bad Adrian Peterson put hands on his son but got KO’d by a grown man.”
Another chimed in with, “Adrian Peterson’s kids cheered the loudest when he dropped.”
A third observer added, “A couple of washed-up n*ggas.”
Bell said he’s done with football which means boxing is his new métier.
Peterson, who was charged with felony child abuse in 2014, has yet to retire from the NFL.
He’s a penurious free agent.
Watch the knockout and postfight interviews.
Share your thoughts.
Now Peterson knows how his kids feel
Wtf…he got hit harder running for the goal line!!!!
When you have child support payments to make.
Damn AP!!
Why TF are these athletes embarrassing themselves like this? 🤔 …They should be chilling at home with family enjoying retirement.
thats how peterson used to KO his wife.
@Nathaniel Anderson: So a dad shouldnt be able to discipline their child? good, dont come to my house because my kids get just what i did, disciplined
I’d knock both of these fools out!
Any athlete who switches to boxing and gets knocked out instantly destroys their legacy.
Adrian Peterson taking another L
That right hand wasn’t that hard. I’m chocking it up to AP is just a soft azz nicca
I pull the glock I ain’t got hands
He’s older that’s all. Adrian would of laid his azz out in his prime
Now I understand why Adrian Peterson used a switch to beat his son…. dudes got no hands.
Peterson is damn near 40. If Bell wasn’t such a diva he could still be in the NFL. Who wants to pay to see two guys fight who aren’t even fighters?
AP only beats his kids . Can’t beat men . Hahaha. These idiots better stop messing around with boxing somebody gonna end up hurt like mofo
They got Bell out there looking like Deontay Wilder’s twin 😂
Nigga got his jaw rocked. His eyes went north quick.
Oh shit AP got dropped lol
THIS WAS THE WORST FIGHT IN HISTORY!!! I’ll beat both there ass with NO TRAINING!!!
It’s way too many couch tough guys talking sh*t 💩 probably never had a real fight in they’re lives. Respect to both of these men and even more Respect for the sportsmanship
You got knocked the F out 😂
Watching Bell throw stupid & wild shit was more frustrating than Peterson’s slow reaction. I know these guys aren’t professional fighters, but watching it was painful enough.
up until the knockout this was NOT a good match
These guys should stick to football. Props for giving it a go, but this is just bad boxing.
Peterson should have stayed beatin kids he might have actually done better
Damn. Why AP gotta go and get Nate robinsoned..smh
i wish we could hook monitors to their brains and watch them get cte in real time.
Adrian said where’s my damn switch at?!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Both in great shape & should be on NFL rosters right now.
Funny he beat his son with a tree 🌳 branch but get knocked out by Bell smh
they do a shit job of promoting things like this because I wouldve paid to watch this shit. I’m a fan of both these cats.
Bruh he literally got right back up lol celebrity boxing is a joke
This shit was horrible…they was both scared to get hit
That was as entertaining as watching a pair of cats lick themselves.
Decent fight but I feel in my opinion that the referee stopped the fight prematurely.🤷♂️
AP would’ve won if he was beating on a kid.
if peterson didnt have cte from from football he for sure got it now
Pussy has always been the downfall of black men smh 🤦🏾
They need to take their families into the ring. They need to box their baby moms, family members, friends, and ho’s. Those are the real thieves.
Let’s see him fight Mike Tyson now please.
Anything to make a buck.
You got KTFO biotch…
This is for all the kids who have gotten beaten in their lives
DAAAAMN….I ain’t know nothing about this fight
Couldn’t of happened to a better guy. What comes around goes around.
Don’t know where AP ever got the idea to try boxing…and especially to take an actual match. Somebody give that man a football job so he doesn’t get anymore crazy ideas in his down time from football. He’s left too much of a sports legacy from his football career to have it overshadowed by viral videos of him getting his knocked out in boxing matches he has no business being in. If he was just in it for the fitness aspect of it, he could have just sparred in the gym with other adult beginners like himself. Hang up the gloves, AP…or just keep your boxing enthusiasm on the down low.