Reporter heckles Chiefs stars. Blog King, Mass Appeal NEW ORLEANS -- Haters have lost their…
Gunman kills three Virginia football players on the bus

Three UVA players murdered.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
CHARLOTTESVILLE — Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. was thrown in the slammer after he killed three University of Virginia football players during a field trip. The trigger-happy negro also gunned down two other classmates who somehow survived. The massacre transpired November 13th in front of two dozen students and a professor on a team charter bus. The group had just traveled to a theater in Washington, D.C. to descry a play that was supposed to be a “bonding experience” towards the semester’s cessation. But, in a tragic turn of events, Chris let his gat explode. The deceased victims are: Lavel Davis, Devin Chandler (who was shot while he was asleep) and D’Sean Perry. The wounded survivors are football player Michael Hollins Jr. and sophomore classmate Marlee Morgan. Ryan Lynch, a 19-year-old pre-med student, recalled Chris’ final bizarre words hurled at the slain athletes.
“Chris got up and pushed Lavel [Davis]. And then after he pushed him, he was like, ‘You guys are always messing with me,’ He said something weird like that,” Ryan told reporters. “But it was very bizarre because they didn’t talk to him the whole trip. We thought he was going to shoot everyone on the bus at that point.” Chris — a quondam football player — was arrested and charged with 3 counts of second-degree murder, 3 counts of using a handgun in the commission of a felony and 2 counts of malicious wounding.
Chris’ father told reporters his son was “real paranoid about something” but wouldn’t tell him everything.
Do you think there’s some bullying and/or hazing going on?
Did CTE play a factor?
Share your thoughts.
This was a hate crime and it was most likely done by a white supremacists who hate to see those black young men doing good in college and playing sports. Much more of these type of crimes are going to happen to blacks and Jews in the future.
I Am My Brother’s Keeper
Some day Home Schooling will replace the failed Public School system.
Between the bullying and school shooters no one will want to attend Public Schools!
Bullying is one root cause of school shootings…ijs
🌺 Condolences to parents of the perished children!
This is why you don’t bully people , it can cost you your own life if they feel they can’t beat you up they will kill you this man’s father just said he came home a month ago to wash clothes and was acting paranoid his father got him to open up and he told him he has been being bullied .
Ya know bullying is a HATE crime!!!!!!
When you continuous oppressed abuse mentally and sometimes physically its HATE!!!
Or is this just another mental illness case?
You want to stop losing kids ZERO TOLERANCE ON BULLYING AND HATE TOWARDS ANYONE. And adults are responsible for enforcement of these policy, kids who abuse other kids need to know there are consequences, if consequences make it to the loss of life, someone is not doing their job.
Adult, parents and cops have a responsibility to the safety of all kids and they do not help them person’s have a right to protect themselves.
Not sure what this situation is but America has failed our vulnerable kids, ignored them obvious, and even allowed the abuse and sometime even participate untill these smug adult accept their failures, these shooting WILL CONTINUE.
If it smells like a skunk it’s a skunk !
Another effing COWARD with a gun…🤦♂️
Was he on meds?
Bet he was bullied by the other football players.
Schools should ban hazing.
So he was a disgruntled former player who targeted the program as revenge?
This happens in Chicago every night!!!
Last time I was on a field trip was in kindergarten.
Treat people better. Everyone has a breaking point. How many lives have been taken because of people disrespecting or bullying each other. Would any sensible person bully another if they new their life could be taken? Probably not. What good could possibly come from making someone hate you. Sad outcome for sure. We all lose a little humanity when we see bullying and ignore it. The kid that killed will rot behind bars but if nothing changes, does it really matter?
he took the vaccine
The shooters Dad said in a recent interview the last time he seen his son he felt something was wrong and asked him what’s wrong.
The boy did not say what it was and just said he was being picked on and messed with. The Dad told him keep his head in the books
and just finish school. One of the witnesses on the bus said before the boy shot he said you guys have been picking on me all the time….
Not everyone takes bullying well. I hate all of it but I hope they also did not bully him to this point. This gave me a GUT PUNCH in my
stomach and I never met anyone of them. Seeing those 3 beautiful boys face has me teary eyed.
This case is a good example of what happens when liberal universities want to give a free admission to people just because their black 🙄
He probably didn’t make the team and is very jealous and envious.
As punishment, the killer will get free room and board for life. 👍
It’s just sad, parents send your kids off to college not thinking of getting a phone call of your kids been murdered on campus, WOW and we have to treat people with respect I see Mgrs talk to employees crazy and i be thinking umm some people don’t give a damn about a job and no one is afraid of anyone anymore, people will take out a gun blow your brains out and then turn the gun on themselves
Al sharpton was hoping the shooter was white so he could capitalize and make some money off the families
People gotta chill man this shit is out of control
“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before GOD, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.
Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone NOT FOUND written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:12-15)
Today, while you are still alive and able, may you REPENT from your sins, BELIEVE in your heart and CONFESS with your mouth that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior, so that through Him, your name may be found written in the Book of Life.
“If you openly declare that JESUS is Lord and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be SAVED. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with GOD, and it is by openly declaring your FAITH that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who TRUSTS in Him will never be disgraced.” (Romans 10:9-11)
“For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world THROUGH Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17)
By God’s GRACE, the gift of SALVATION and ETERNAL LIFE is available to all. You can receive it. You can reject it. May you choose wisely.
This kid had played ball as a freshman and then quit? What happened during hazing perhaps? Lots of bullying and rape in the last 20 years in high schools and universities….could this be a cause?
Okay so Chris got even by Murdering his classmates but now he will spend the rest of his life in Prison. My guess is that Chris will also be BULLIED by the other prison inmates. Chris will regret throwing his life away like this as this is not the way to deal with bullies!
I’m 51 and I can remember back in both high school and elementary school of being, I won’t say bullied, but being trashed on and humiliated by people who wanted to act like they were better than me. I never had a murderous mind about any of it but wouldn’t have minded some misfortune on their behalf. It’s a bad feeling honestly. Nobody owes you friendship or love, but I beg of those who can’t or won’t offer it to just leave people alone because you have no idea what or whom you might be dealing with. These guys are gone forever, likely over nonsensical pettiness.
No one talked to him….that’s the problem with this generation. People act strange if you are too friendly. How I long for the days of no cell phone and social media.
I’d like to speak directly to today’s parents. WHERE ARE YOU??? There are far too many absentee parents. Even parents living with their kids are not available and present for their kids. We need to start putting these parents in prison, right alongside their raging kids. If you don’t want to deal with your kids, outside of prison, then maybe you’ll want to finally deal with your kids in a jail cell! These lousy, good-for-nothing parents, who are just getting knocked up, leaving their kids with grandparents, are ghetto and ratchet. America desperately needs HIGHER-QUALITY PARENTS. Colleges and universities could also do a lot more to support first-generation college students who come from these at-risk, dysfunctional home environments. RAISE YOUR KIDS!!!! BE A RESPONSIBLE PARENT. This isn’t fair to unleash raging, angry, and unsupportive kids onto everyone else in this world. If you don’t want to raise kids and you’re not financially capable of even taking care of yourself, then please USE PROTECTION and BIRTH CONTROL. Practice abstinence, since you should be focusing on continuing your education in college, networking with other professionals in your field, acquiring marketable skills, and getting a CAREER that pays above minimum wage. There should be NO TIME for having sex anyway, with a busy schedule. Then GET MARRIED and PLAN for a family, so that it isn’t a “surprise” and you’re well prepared for your kid to come into the world. Set goals and establish PRIORITIES!!!
This is why people need to stop bullying people. This is what happens when you push people too far.
I don’t think that they were bullying him. I think he may be schizophrenic.
What’s very disturbing is that everybody involved the players the assailant are early 20’s why on earth are these shooting happening amongst our young people who should be somewhere studying and making a life for themselves times are so much easier nowadays then when I was growing up times were awfully tough back then these young people today are obsessed with guns ammunition gangs drugs and violence when will it cease we just got to do BETTER as a people I pray for every deceased and injured soul involved. ❤️ ❤️
Father: “He’s a good kid.”. When is everyone going to wake up?
This is why people should leave people alone because you never know when that person you’re picking on might snap and if he was being teased for being smart, black people especially black men, for some reason, have more respect for thugs, gang bangers and criminals than they do educated people. Not sure why, but smart and respectful people like Russell wilson is considered lame whereas rappers get more respect.
So sad, sickening. Three young men gone who had such bright futures ahead of them.
Wonder why he acted the way he did ……. they probably molested him through hazing