Shy girls are full of surprises. Blog King, Mass Appeal SEATTLE -- "🎵Oh-oh, here she…
Fani Willis’ testimony wildly mortifying, yet entertaining

Fani Willis in hot water.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
ATLANTA – Salt-N-Pepa once sang, “If I want to take a guy home with me tonight, it’s none of your business.” And that’s the stance Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis took during last week’s 2-day hearing to determine whether her dalliance with married attorney Nathan Wade amounted to a conflict of interest in Georgia’s election interference case against quondam President Donald Trump. Willis was visibly agitated with the line of questioning. But, because she hired Wade as a special prosecutor, there’s a chance the 53-year-old lawyer could be extracted from the case. All hell broke loose when the attorney for one of Trump’s co-defendants, Michael Roman (who was part of Trump’s 2020 campaign in Georgia), filed a motion to have Willis jettisoned. Keep in mind, workplace relationships — even at major private law firms — are often prohibited or, at the very least, should be disclosed. Willis basically said who she’s f*ckin’ is nobody’s business. It’s her assertion that the most intimate details of her romantic life shouldn’t be aired publicly. Willis also confessed to carrying around thousands of dollars in campaign funds.
Yet, she’s receiving mostly “you go girl” from the liberal press.
“You think I’m on trial! These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020,” Willis ranted during cross examination, referring to Trump and his co-defendants.
“I’m not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial.”
The bottom line is Roman’s attorneys want Willis disqualified . Whereas her supporters believe her race and gender are being held against her. “If she was not a woman and Black, I don’t think she would have gone through this,” said Bishop Reginald T. Jackson of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Jessica T. Ornsby — a family lawyer in the Washington, D.C., area — echoed a homogeneous sentiment. “It absolutely feels familiar. There is no secret that the common sentiment among Black women in positions of power (is that they) must over-perform to be seen as equals to their counterparts,” Ornsby said.
“Here, Ms. Willis is being scrutinized for things that are not directly related to her job performance, in ways we see other Black women regularly picked apart.”
Those in support of Willis also claim her personal life is being used as a political tactic to divert attention away from the allegations imposed against Trump, 77 — who was indicted four times in the past year for all kinds of sh*t. Not only is he in hot water for plotting to overturn his election defeat to Joe Biden, Trump is accused of hoarding classified indentures in Florida and many believe he falsified documents to conceal “hush money” that was paid to porn star Stormy Daniels.
“Donald Trump knows that he can make an easy target for his base out of a Black woman,” said racial equality activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham.
“What we should recognize is that across many indictments, this particular attack to disqualify through her personal activities is uniquely pointed. Of all the prosecutions that he has endured, this is not the approach he has taken. But he took that in particular with a Black woman.”
Willis said the reason she and Wade broke up is because he didn’t view men and women as being equal.
“The only thing a woman can do for him is make him a sandwich,” she said.
“I don’t need anything from a man – a man is not a plan. He’s a companion. We would have brutal arguments about the fact that ‘I am your equal.’ It’s not like when you’re in grade school and you send a little letter and it says, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ and you check it. I just think men and women think differently.”
Critics believe Willis acted like a hoodrat in court.
She even appeared to wear her dress backyards.
Do you believe race and gender are being exploited in this case?
Did Willis abuse her power?
Watch heated moments of her testimony.
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She’s screaming that it’s a lie, yet she up there lying. Embarrassing
Fani gonna be working at McDonald’s
Fani and Wade need to be disqualified! It’s disgusting what they have been doing in alliance together. Very dishonest! Code of ethics violations all over the place!
This is not about Fani Willis, nor that she chose to go on a cruise with someone. She is grown like all who are and her personal business is her personal business, where pertains to what she chose to do have a romantic interlude on her cruise trip! This is much bigger, this is about “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!! AND IT PERTAINS TO CRIMINAL THINGS THAT TRUMP HAS DONE!! Which has nothing to do with Fani Willis! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉