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Haskins was drunk, high during time of his death

Haskins was drunk & high.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
FORT LAUDERDALE — Now we know why he did what he did. Deceased NFL quarterback Dwayne Haskins was drunk and high at the time of his quietus according to a toxicology report released by the Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Haskins, who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers, was struck by a garbage truck on April 9th. He was 24. The inebriated signal-caller tried to dart through freeway traffic on foot (à la Frogger) after his vehicle ran out of gas. The autopsy, which contains two separate samples, shows Haskins had blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of 0.20 and 0.24 — roughly 3 times Florida’s legal limit of 0.8. The medical examiner also found traces of ketamine (Special K) and norketamine in Haskins’ system. Those drugs are the equivalent of horse tranquilizers which means Haskins was higher than Snoop Dogg at the BET Awards.
Not to mention Haskins had a prepossessing courtesan in the car who wasn’t his wife.
So it appears he cheated.
Social media reaction was vicious. One person wrote, “Getting drunk and trying to play Frogger on a freeway never ends well.” Another chimed in with, “Ketamine is a pet tranquilizer. I’ve done it before and that sh*t doesn’t play around. Ketamine with a .24 bac? I’m surprised he was able to walk.” A third person added, “He got that Special K in him & started thinking he was made of steel….. lol!!”
After toxicology results were released, Haskins’ widow — Kalabrya Haskins — released a statement through her lawyer. “On behalf of Dwayne’s wife, his family, and his memory, and on behalf of the truth, we respectfully request and pray for privacy, for patience, and for the public to withhold any judgment during this period while the law enforcement authorities continue to investigate and conduct their important work,” the statement read.
Haskins, the 15th overall pick in the 2019 NFL Draft, was labeled a bust.
Dallas Cowboys legend Gil Brandt said “he was a guy that was living to be dead.”
Are you shocked at the autopsy results?
Should Haskins’ death be ruled a suicide?
Share your thoughts.
Black NFL’ er , drunk, on drugs with some whore. Wow, what a shocker.
Dang dude in reality died living his life a shame
Just another day for a black man in racist America.
NO SHIT I SAID THE DAY AFTER THIS DIPSHIT GOT HIT.. PATHETIC!! surprised they didn’t call out the dump truck as racist 🤣😂
Maybe he thought they were protesting, rioting, on that freeway that day.
A drunk, drug using, dumbass, lazy philanderer. Sorry, I don’t feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for the truck driver that hit him. Pro talent evaluators constantly mistake size, speed, a strong arm, and strength as “talents.” This is pretty much what they care about at the combine. Fact is, these things aren’t talents at all, they’re physical attributes. The woods are full of people who possessed these attributes that failed miserably.
The great NFL is full of these thugs….show me a team with white players only and I’ll return to watch again
Jamarcus Haskins
drunk and on ketamine… are we even surprised at this point? good riddance
I guess Haskins was still making bad decisions and had not really changed his behavior. He seems to have fooled everyone but the bumper of that dump truck. Too bad.
The wife beating asshole won’t be going down on one knee now.
We all knew this was coming.
Why is it mostly black athletes and black rappers are killed in stupid accidents or gun fights or illegal weapons charges?..isn’t BLM teaching them anything?
millionaire with Blood alcohol 3 times over drunkness and a dumb blonde in the car ,and he couldn’t understand how not to walk across the busiest highway area near the airport??..
So the truth comes out about another cheating, drug addicted athlete (Black)..wonder how many hoes he had ?….Oh the culture is wonderful isn’t it?🤣🤣
Oops, some of us sniffed out that he was probably on drugs, alcohol and doing something weird on the highway…..we were called racist….. And now we find he was on drugs, drunk, and with an unidentified woman that was NOT his wife. Yeah. Such a hero Dwayne was.
Dude was beyond drunk. He was jacked up on multiple other drugs provided to him by Pittsburgh Steelers employees
Drugs alcohol and infidelity that’s the trifecta
Haskins was DWI? WTF? How selfish can he be by endangering other drivers like that? This is unforgiveable. Shame on him.
This on the heels of the Henry Ruggs drunk driving crash.
I wonder if the girl in his car was a lover. I hope they made love and she carries his seed into a future haskins as the world needs another.
Wow. Dont drink do drugs then run into traffic kids.
Ketamine and Alcohol, way to go! When you mix like that, your Darwin Award is Earned!
Crazy how a lot of the politicians and officials of high authority who you idolize and believe in are on the same drugs and cheating on their wives but you turn the other cheek for them so many mental problems in this country
Sucks he died but he was clearly a dishonest, unintelligent, disloyal guy
So haskins had been driving totally blitzed!!!! He was drunk big time. . . . 3 times the legal limit. . and he had been using drugs. . . . add to that. . he was with some broad that WAS NOT HIS WIFE!!!! I think we should all be thankful that the only person he killed was himself.
He was such a disgrace.
It’s actually a good thing that such a piece of garbage is no longer with us
Lesson learned. Don’t drink, drug and drive, then go running on a freeway. I wonder if his parents ever told him to go play in the freeway? And, what about that hooker with him? Wonder if she witnessed the carnage? And, everybody had a hissy fit when this guy first died, when people who actually knew him said it was no surprise that this happened to him. They were right. It was just a matter of time before he was going to meet his early demise. Sad, but true.
We all knew he was Fucked up at the time of death! And cheating on top of that! What a waste of talent!
Well , I guess he wasn’t going to play anyway!!
The saddest part in this whole story is the poor dump truck driver gets pulled into this situation by a piece of shit bum.
Shit just happens sometimes one mistake one bad day can easily be your last.
LeBum James said whitey killed him.
I have an idea for folks like Dwayne; GO HOME. Don’t go to a club, bar,, STRIP CLUB. You’re married, you’re on a business trip involving physical exertion. GO HOME, REST – get up the next day rested. But nooooooo, out of gas in a rental on the side if a highway , SHTFACED DRUNK with some girl. No bueno. RIP.
We were told by the woke sports mob that he supposedly turned things around and any suggestion that he still had issues was met with the “R word”. Dwayne still had issues, but those issues can be corrected or controlled. Wokeness on the other hand, seems to be a mental illness for which there is no cure.
Why does this matter we all have been drunk in fights done some low level drugs. Should we be dead? It’s a tragic accident that doesn’t make us evil for doing these things. Have a fucking heart u pieces of shit.
Dwayne called his wife with the ‘I ran out of gas” excuse for being late, while the chick he picked up in the club was still sitting in the car . C’mon man!!
Sad part is that Roadside Assistance pulled up on the scene about a minute after he got killed
The real story is now out. He had triple the legal limit of alcohol in his system. He was cheating on his wife with a woman in the car who was out partying all night with him. He had recreational drugs in his system. People should be apologizing to Gil Brandt who immediately nailed the obvious. Dwayne Haskins was an idiot and a tragic accident waiting to happen every day of his life.
Dude was a knucklehead and that was no secret
Gil Brandt got roasted for his comments when Haskins was killed but Brandt was not wrong in saying “the guy was living to be dead; it was always something with Haskins . . .” Driving drunk, getting into fight, married but out clubbing with female companion, foolishly crossing a busy highway looking for gas instead of calling AAA or someone (I’m sure the woman in the car had a friend she could call to pick them up) – yes, Haskins was living to be dead way too soon.
This needed an autopsy seriously 😒 R.I.P
Who tf walks to get gas as a multimillionaire??? I’m broke af and I have AAA. Like call insurance or something. They bring gas to you. Or call an Uber. I know he’s dead but the guy was just stupid.
I heard he was on shrooms
He was drunk and snorting special k… Also on his way to cheat on his wife with the girl he picked up from the club. Just a pos person that died making all around fucked up choices.
I honestly believe he would have won the starting job he was set up for failure with the Washington dead skins IMHO
If he was drunk how was he going or at practice
Was he nor the woman in the car not familiar with roadside assistance? They could have brought them gas.
He must of never played frogger before. It’s good practice if you ever get in this situation. Just saying.