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Blacks & Whites duke it out during feral riverboat brawl

Black & White brawl goes viral/YouTube

Negroes & Whites duke it out. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

MONTGOMERY — Wakanda Forever! A viral video shows a bunch of white and black folks beating the hell outta each other Saturday afternoon during a riverboat brawl in Montgomery, Alabama. All hell broke loose when a group of white boaters jumped a black employee for “doing his job.” The negro security guard reportedly told the Caucasians to move their pontoon so the city’s riverboat could park. They replied something to the effect of “f*ck off asshole!” And the fight was on. Several onlookers joined the melee, Black Aquaman swam towards the dock and a white woman was beaten with a folding chair. “This was an unfortunate incident which never should have occurred,” said Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed. “As our police department investigates these intolerable actions, we should not become desensitized to violence of any kind in our community. Those who choose violent actions will be held accountable by our criminal justice system.”

Social media reaction was pro-black. One commenter wrote, “Those white folks didn’t have their white privilege card that day.” Another chimed in with, “Good to see black folks sticking together. It’s great how they came to that brother’s rescue.” A third viewer added, “Black people defending black people. Tears of joy are flowing from my eyes. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.✊🏾🖤💯” President Donald Trump held a MAGA rally in Montgomery 24 hours before the brawl. Many believe he’s partly culpable.

Do you agree?

Watch the free-for-all from two different camera angles.

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This Post Has 93 Comments

  1. Black or White, a group beating on one person is BS… thankfully other humans came to help…

  2. I like how the security guard turned his hat to the back then said fawk it , and threw it !👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  3. Dam I love niggas. So f’ing much. Black power bittttccchhhhh.

  4. the white guys were in the wrong, but why does the black people always instigate more violence always

  5. Tears of pride and joy that we stood up for one another. Salute to those who helped him. I know for a fact I would have helped too many years of just letting crap go.

  6. 🗣️Buffalo soldiers charge!!! Wesley Snipes says always bet on black.🖤💣🖤💣🎲🎲 That chair 🪑 new name Alabama cracker cracker 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Again white race soldiers trying to lynch a black innocent man, just doing his job. Again white privilege. I pray they all go to jail.

  8. They thought they were gonna jump somebody and just walk off NOPE!! 🤣🤣

  9. I wish I could compensate all the black people that helped this man.

  10. I’m glad everyone stepped to protect that man. And Aquamayne should be rewarded!

  11. They took them demons to Church and then gave them a good old John the Baptist baptism. The police should have check that boat for drugs. Blessings on my people.

  12. Karen in the red dress got molly wopped 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  13. Disgusting people on here promoting violence and racism, it’s sad and pathetic!

    The young woman with the glasses and red shirt, extremely racist and a very very sad individual… What a world we live in…

  14. So, if they fight white people they wanna throw hands but if they fight each other, they kill. It don’t make sense 🤔

  15. @charlesmelong: You’re talking about fights between strangers vs long-standing gang wars and interpersonal issues. Also, this is a pretty naive generalization.

  16. The lady that got hit with the chair had 3 big “Cartoon” lumps on her head.

  17. I’m definitely not against putting the smack down on some criminal scum.

  18. This is unity?
    Pookie shoots rayray daily and nobody bats an eye it’s crickets chirping…… interesting

  19. Meanwhile, the black guy out here throwing his hat in the air like Bobby Shmurda in the ‘Hot N!gga video.🤭🤭🖤

  20. Bruh said, 🎶” Ain’t no river wide enough to keep me from you “🎶

  21. Uncivilized animals. That security guard was just doing his job.

  22. Thank God for phones. Just a few years ago this would have ended with the group of thugs accusing the black guy of attacking them and he would have gotten arrested or worse.

    In recent years, we are finding out who the real aggressors are. I wonder if the banning of books has anything to do with it? Yes it does.

  23. Dumb people want to start a shit load of crap. Assaulting dock worker is a no no privilege.

  24. Truly animalistic behavior displayed by the people who decided to jump a man simply doing his job. Toss them in handcuffs

  25. Aaron Rudolph, Young 16 yr old Brother that swam to the security officers aid! Is The Next BLACK PANTHER =!!!👊💪🫀💯
    Advice to WHITE AMERICA!!! Please whatever you do. Don’t put your hands on another Black Man, Woman or Child on this planet. As you can see this is how the revolution will start!!!

  26. Bunch of h!ll b!lly r3d n3cks trying to gang up on one black man I’m glad that other dude stepped in and gave them a run for their money I hate those pale face demons they know they can’t fight a lone so they love to gang up together on 1 person. That other black dude that showed up was too nice I would’ve ran up with a flying kick to one of those cr@ckers faces

  27. Dude in the Blue needs a WWE contract. I’d watch that mfer stomp folks all day

  28. I’m so happy to see some justice for our ancestors! 🫶🏿 Reparations next or more of this ✊🏿 BLM

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