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Dancing Dolls killed by Lil malefactors with firearms

Two Dancing Dolls killed.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
DECATUR — Damn, Dancing Dolls are droppin’ like flies, thanks to Pookie & Ray Ray. DeAnthony Cullins was thrown in the slammer after he shot and killed 16-year-old Dy’shea Hall during a family dispute. The femicide transpired June 12th in Decatur, Georgia. According to DeKalb County police reports, Dy’shea and her entourage had contretemps with another clique outside Kroger shopping center. As the donnybrook intensified, DeAnthony pulled out his gun and opened fire, striking Dy’shea and 17-year-old Javonte Wood. Dy’shea was pronounced dead at the scene. Javonte was transported to the hospital in critical condition. If you recall, Dy’shea was a Dancing Doll on the hit Lifetime Television series “Bring It.” Her quietus comes on the heels of former team member Shakira Gatlin being blown to smithereens on February 2nd in Jackson, Mississippi. Investigators said Shakira was accidentally shot in the head while an underaged male was “mishandling a gun.” Accident my ass. The “underaged male” is Shakira’s ex-boyfriend.
Nevertheless, Dancing Dolls owner Dianna Williams (aka Ms. D) and a group of Dy’shea’s family members and friends held a prayer vigil outside her Dollhouse Dance Factory where they sent balloons sailing into the sky in honor of the slain dancer. Dianna also shared a Facebook post that shows Dy’shea’s casket being transported by horse and carriage. “One of my Dolls is gone. I do NOT understand, and no, I AM NOT ok!” Dianna wrote on Instagram. “Jesus Lord!!!! She was fearless and would always try to elevate herself and everyone else in the dollhouse. She was always encouraging her sisters and motivating everyone! She was my ‘DAH SHEEKEE!'”
DeAnthony turned himself in shortly after the shooting.
He’s charged with murder and aggravated assault.
Dy’shea’s cousin, 32-year-old Vincent Parks Jr., was also killed.
He was shot dead in front of Grady Hospital in Atlanta.
Do you think jealously was involved in Dy’Shea’s and Shakira’s deaths?
Or, do you sense Illuminati sacrifices?
Watch the sad report and interviews.
Share your thoughts.
That’s messed up smh why they do that girl like that …
Shakira could Dance!
Killed by an Accidental Shooting?
It was The Gummint
It was The Powleese.
It was Thug Culture.
Straight outta Compton?
Straight outta Rwanda.
From our creator we all come and must all return. This senseless violence should not be the way we return to our creator.
There would not have been any accident if he hadn’t been holding a gun in the first place.
It’s rumored that the shooter was Shakira’s boyfriend. I think they should question the him again.
May this young lady rest in her peace.
I’m glad he turned his self in but this is such a tragedy , this should’ve never happened, May God bless her family for the days ahead 🤍
this is why i do not hang around ⚫️ people at all
Omg 😲!…once AGAIN…THIS GUN VIOLENCE HAS TO STOP! ITS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING AND HURTFUL! WHY ARE WE KILLING EACH OTHER? Another mother…hurting and heart broken 💔 because her baby girl is never coming back home! Rip baby girl…u will be missed. So damn sad 😔 😢💔🙏🏽 🕊 💕
illuminati sacrifices go down… so sad rih
As long as BM & BM worshippers are involved… THERE WILL BE CHAOS, DUST, DERELICTION & DEPRAVITY! Fix it King Jesus!
God forbid any of these ppl pronounce the V in love. “I luhhh you!”
I don’t remember them two . And I use to watch the dancing doll. When it stop coming on lifetime I didn’t watch that show no more. My condolences go out to the family’s.
It’s so sad, they’re all just babies smh
oooooooooo noo omg this sucks
There are two kinds of people you never argue with unless you’re armed and ready, white men and dusties. They tend to be psychotic and violence is how they resolve conflicts with not even a regard for themselves.
Are they sacrificing these dancers 🤔 I mean it’s so many dieing after eachother 🤔 my condolences to the family
They murdered Shakira on purpose. That was NOT an accident.
WOW rest in peace 😢 they wasn`t made by God to die at this age,🕊🕊
Ugh I’m so sick of our people dying at such young ages due to gun violence it’s like it’s something in the water they killing us left and right
🤔I think BM PURPOSELY target BP that have the most potential to raise their family OUT of poverty. I read in a blk psychology book stating that the person “feels” like they’re being left when seeing other BP excel. This was parallel to slaves being “PICKED” to serve in Master’s house.
🌟I believe the book name is Black Rage by William H Grier & Price M Cobbs. I read in my twenties so I hope it’s correct. I remember the authors were two black men written in the 60s.
These blk men need to stop the violence
My daughter is 13 and this breaks my heart so badly, lord this is so sad
These youngsters are loosing their damn mind . No regard for anybody. RestInPower🕊 my condolences to her family and friends.
No one feel their CHILD going to die at a young age! To get life insurance. The way people struggle to pay bills and food, they may not have the extra $$ to put life insurance on a child who should be living NOT dying.
I wish my people would get it together…nothing but death, disease and drama. At some point we have to do better. We have to turn away from ANYTHING promoting this negative mentality destroying the black community.
Please stop releasing balloons, it is a danger to the environment and airplanes. Thank you. Use candles instead.
RIP🕊 DY’ SHEAE HALL Beautiful Name For A Beautiful Dancing Doll💃🏽 Now With The Angels🕊 My Daughter’s Name Is Donshea’ 🙌🏾
Mannn if they don’t put a law in place for these youngins with these firearms we are going to burry a lot more!!! Smfh SENSELESS LIVES LOST & FOR WHAT?!!! RIPARADISE TO THESE TWO QUEENS and prayers to the families of the victims 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😡
May they both Rest In Peace 💗🕊
I always watch the dancing dolls I love the girls the way they were dancing and I will miss the girls that died my prayer goes out to all the dancing doll and and her parents and their parents
All I see is a worn out woman making our young women whores. They shouldn’t be out there throwing their butts around all over the place for grown men to lust over their bodies. They will end up in some rich old man’s bed or either on drugs at the end.
This is ridiculously sad…killing these girls that are simply dancing.
What kind of lifestyle did the girls engage in outside of DD
The gun violence in this country is a shame and embarrassment. I have grown up in a middle class family around guns…was taught about gun safety and know how to handle a firearm myself…but I am willing to give that all up just for these mindless killings to stop. People don’t even feel safe on the streets anymore. This is just too much.
I want all guns banned!!!
Well at least they’re cheering for sweet jesus now.
Never watched the show , but I had heard of the dolls , they could move. My prayers to both families and friends. 🙏🙏😢😢
never got the opportunity to get married and have children
Dear Lord, please give these two beautiful young ladies who lost their lives too soon on this earth a new life. Amen.
This is why kids don’t need access to guns, their immature and irresponsible, it’s sad