Brotherly love nonexistent. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a sibling rivalry goes tragically…
Gangbanger kills girlfriend execution-style, buries her

Rachel killed execution-style.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
EVERETT — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Anna Uncovered released the disturbing documentary of 18-year-old Rachel Burkheimer who was murdered execution-style by her sadistic ex-boyfriend, 22-year-old John “Diggy” Anderson, because she broke up with him. The femicide transpired on September 23, 2002 in Everett, Washington. John was the leader of a gang called “Northwest Mafia.” Rachel met him through a prison pen pal program while he was incarcerated. Rachel’s dad, Bill Burkheimer, blew a gasket one day when he received an exorbitant phone bill for $640 — most of it coming from a multitude of collect calls Rachel accepted from the federal penitentiary. “[The gang] was kind of in the infant stages, and it [had] a real stupid name,” said Detective Brad Pince of the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office. “They called themselves the ‘Northwest Mafia.’ They would steal drugs, sell some of them, and use most of it. They had no other ambition in life. They would sit around and play video games, smoke dope and [do] cocaine and meth and [party].”
On the night of the murder, Rachel attended a house soirée with seven members of the Northwest Mafia. John showed up moments later and saw all of ’em sitting on a couch, laughing and smoking marijuana. The jealous bastard couldn’t handle Rachel having a good time without him. So, he snapped. “Anderson comes in from the outside of the duplex and he’s angry because everybody is having such a good time,” Detective Pince recounted. “He smacks a couple of the kids in the face.”
Guns were drawn and Rachel determined she had seen enough. So, she tried to leave. But John wasn’t having it. Rachel didn’t make it to the front door. “He grabs her by the hair, hit[s] her in the face, knocks her down on the floor, and a couple of other guys started helping,” Detective Pince said. Rachel was kicked in the head multiple times. Someone even turned up the stereo so her bawling couldn’t be heard. “They scooped up Rachel, took her out to the garage, and gagged and taped her so she couldn’t scream anymore,” said Detective Pince.
The fellas left Rachel in the garage then went back inside to manducate pizza, play video games and smoke weed. Trissa Conner, owner of the house and girlfriend of one of the gang members, came home from her nursing classes at Everett Community College and descried a battered Rachel hog-tied on the floor. “Trissa walked into the garage, saw Rachel beat up, tied, laying on the floor, and she went back to the kitchen to get a knife to try to cut her hands and feet loose,” said Detective Pince.
But, before Trissa could give Rachel manumission, John intervened and ordered her to egress the garage. She was also coerced to eschew calling the police. Seconds later, Trissa heard sounds of a pummeling. Then she saw John and the gang stuff Rachel inside a large duffel bag before throwing her into the back of a Jeep. They drove Rachel 30 miles to the Cascade Mountains where they forced her to watch her own grave being dug. Ain’t that a bitch? “They get out there and unload the shovels from the Jeep. Rachel is making noise,” said Detective Pince. “John Anderson takes a shovel, and he hits the side of the duffel bag as hard as he can.”
One of the gang members removed Rachel from the bag at John’s behest. Then he stripped her naked and took her jewelry. Rachel begged John to let her keep a ring her deceased friend Cory Haynes gave her, but he told her “no.” Then she asked John if she could walk to her own grave. He allowed it. As soon as Rachel stepped inside the hole, John told her to lie face down in the grave.
“She got on her knees and started to pray,” said Detective Pince.
“Anderson told her not to worry about it. She would be up with [Cory] soon.”
As the entire gang watched, John pulled out a pistol and opened fire — shooting Rachel in the back of the head several times until the gun jammed. Then he cleared the jam, and shot her some more. John and his seven accomplices — Maurice C. Rivas, John Whittaker, Matthew A. Durham, Nathan T. Lovelace, Yusef Kevin Jihad, Jeffery S. Barth, and Tony J. Williams — were arrested and charged with first-degree murder. The nefarious octet will serve time behind bars.
John cried like a lil bitch in court.
Watch the explosive documentary.
Share your thoughts.
Bet they all thought they were big boys all bashing a helpless woman together 😂😂😂 f$cking PATHETIC LITTLE BOYS!!!
all of them should have been lined up and shot naked live-streamed to the whole world… just a bunch of junkies
That gang seemed like a bunch of dead shits
They should all go to prison for life and the girlfriend who didn’t call the police after they left. Or at any point after she was murdered. It’s sickening and honestly this case made me cry. RIP Rachel ❤
they all look like those wannabe thugs that bug you at the bus stop
That poor poor girl, she must’ve been absolutely terrified, then there’s a glimpse of hope for her when this girl comes in trying to help her (at first at least) and then she’s stuffed into a bag, gets out and just knows she’s going to be killed 🙁 what a horrible way to die, may she rest in peace 💔
Wait, did they arrest that girl that tried to free her, but told them to get her out or she’ll call the police? She should’ve called the police anyway. That’s a definite charge!😮
Im so glad he shot her and didn’t just burry her alive. Also I urge people to think of this story when you ask why women don’t just leave abusive relationships
That poor angel, hopefully she’s at peace now, she didn’t deserve any of that. The fact she knew she was gonna die and she just did what they told her to. She deserved to live a good life
Okay so is no one going to talk about how pretty rachel was like OMG but in all seriousness may he sould rest in peace💗🕊
Bunch of $issie$ being proud to beat up & murdered a defenseless girl. What???
What a weak man cry like baby bcz his gf left him and k’lled her bcz he can’t handle the breakup.
If i was in that court room, i would laugh so hard at him and get kicked out of the room.
He really thinks he’s tough Lol, EIGHT of them Vs ONE GIRL…!!! They should be ashamed.
That girl that found her in the garage, do u sleep well at night? U shouldn’t bcz u don’t deserve it. U deserve no peace..
Another one of those “if I can’t have you no one else will” situations. That’s one of the most evil mentalities out there. Prison is too good for the likes of him. He needs to be slowly and agonizingly tortured to death, piece by little piece while securely bound. That’s what we need for murderers, not prison or the death penalty. They need to be put through hell. I don’t blame him for wanting her though. If he had let her be and just be nice to her he might have won her over at some point. I don’t understand these guys who think they can force a girl’s love.
Those guys truly are losers, throwing your entire life away for one guys jealousy 🤦
These men wont see gods face😒
Why put them in jail and waste tax payers money….just do the exact same thing to them as they did to Rachel and throw them in gutter
The sister is smoking hot 🥵
Who in their right mind would hang out with gangsters or have them as a boyfriend
Young, dumb, and stupid
Rachel knew how dangerous he was and was told she had a hit put out on her. Why would she go anywhere near any of those people? The sister knew this as well and should have said something to their parents.
The parents then should have gotten Rachel out of town far away from these people.
I know it’s not feasible to just pack up and move like that but getting her to safety immediately should have been done.
She should have asked to get taken away as well.
If I was her father, brother, or even friend… those punks never would have even made it to the trial.
But they all want bad boys and then this…sorry for her and her family
She was stunningly beautiful 😢 soo sad!! 😢
Good girls don’t date bad boys….
Ain’t no way am going from one gang member to another and a friend regardless if he trying to get out tf. R.i.P 🕊️
Hang out ONLY with people who have as much to lose as you do.
Not a “Gang”. Just punks
”Party girl”
She got what she asked for
Make sure to let the inmates know that John “Diggy” Anderson – Wash St. Penitentiary, John Whittaker – Stafford Creek Correctional, Maurice C Rivas – Coyote Ridge Corrections Center, Matthew A. Durham – Monroe Corrections Center, Yusef “Kevin” Jihad – Monroe Correctional Complex-IMU, 8 men in total brutally beat up, tortured, and brutally killed a defenseless young high school girl.
Poor girl. In the end she knew she wasn’t going to make it out alive. This crime makes one lose all faith in humanity. I hope those wannabe gangsters get treated real bad in prison.
innocent teen, 50% her fault . “she was a party girl she wanted to have fun”. :she liked bad boys. This chick was toxic as hell!
She was a SKANK
Once you start down the road of drug use, you’re basically giving up control of your destiny. I’m not shocked by any of these stories anymore.
Being with the bad boy has it draw backs
I wouldn’t touch a “man” like Diggy with a bargepole. Girls, find a man who is compassionate, who loves humans (and animals), and who strives to educate himself and get a stable career. Find a man who understands your past, supports you, and wants to grow with you. Stop dating losers who disrespect you, are abusive, and disregard the wellbeing of others. They might act tough, but they’re simply overcompensating for their fragile egos. Any man who would hurt a woman (or animal, or child) is a lowlife loser. RIP Rachel. 🕉️
I think She suffered from ptsd after losing her best friend. I doubt she would have even associated with people like that if she still had her best bud with her…so sad 😥
All I hear these days is “I want me a thug.” No matter how many people die, there will always be people that feel it can’t happen to them because they’re different. You just can’t fix people. Let their history speak for them and just stay away. RIP to this girl. She made a mistake, but she didn’t deserve that.
Stay away from bad boys and gangs. You cannot change them.
She didn’t date rival gangs. She dated black men.
You have too love yourself before you can love others cuz then you may ignore red flags due to your lack of love may she rest in peace Queen it’s a dangerous world 🌍