Brotherly love nonexistent. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a sibling rivalry goes tragically…
Mom picked boyfriend over daughter who died brutally

Unfit mom neglects her kids.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
INDIANAPOLIS –The adventures of Pookiesha & Ray Ray continue. Chantell Gardner, a 33-year-old aspiring rapper, was thrown in the slammer after she prioritized a dude’s phallus over her own kids. The heinous crime transpired at Chantell’s filthy apartment on January 25, 2025 in Indianapolis, Indiana. According to reports, Chantell left her 2-year-old daughter — Skylar Gardner — home alone with her 3-year-old son so she could spend the night with her boyfriend. When Chantell returned home, she found Skylar unresponsive underneath a dresser. Paramedics were called. But, by the time they arrived, it was too late. Skylar was gone. To compound matters, the kids were subjected to deplorable living conditions. Detectives said the fetid residence had trash and rotten food on the floor, clothes were soaked in urine, mice and cockroaches scurried for cover, and feces were smeared all over the walls and furniture. The conditions were so squalid, police considered the apartment a “biohazard.”
Chantell was arrested and charged with murder and child neglect . She’s lookin’ at 40 years in prison plus a $10,000 fine. The autopsy revealed more horror. Skylar had bruises and bite marks on her face and all over her body, including her genitals. Her neck was punctured and her feet suffered from frostbite because the furnace didn’t work. Temperature inside the apartment was around 40 degrees. The bite marks and puncture wound were from rodent mastication. Ain’t that a bitch? Telling you dawg, too many modern women will sell their soul for a dick.
I say kill the bitch.
Death Penalty.
Skylar’s brother suffered from severe constipation.
But, fortunately, it’s non-life-threatening.
During interrogation, Chantell admitted she left her children home alone for several hours every day and night while she stayed at her n*gga’s house.
But she stopped by once a day to bring sustenance to the kids.
“It’s so sad on so many levels,” said attorney John Tompkins.
“She knew it was bad. Did she know someone would die? When you’re charged with acting knowingly, it means when you engaged in the conduct and were aware to a high degree of certainly the death would occur.”
Jeff Wittman — director of Prevent Child Abuse Indiana — said if you don’t want your children, call the state and ask for help.
“It’s not about tearing families apart,” he bemoaned.
“It’s about getting them the help and support they need before the really horrible outcomes happen.”
Social media reaction was fierce.
One commenter wrote, “May she rot in hell 🔥👿🔥!!! But where was her mom to offer support? Why wouldn’t she give the kids up because she obviously didn’t want ’em. Just sick.”
Another person added, “SORRY ASS EXCUSE FOR A MOTHER😮. HEARTBREAKING💔. Put a man before her babies. Put her ASS UNDER THE JAIL.”
Chantell’s boyfriend wasn’t charged, claiming he thought the kids were with a babysitter.
Do you believe him?
Watch the documentary.
Share your thoughts.
The boyfriend is also a piece of shit 💩
Why isn’t the boyfriend being charged??? I’m pretty sure he knew she was leaving those babies alone
Sorry, but I dont agree with blaming the boyfriend. Those are HER KIDS!!! HER RESPONSIBILITY!!!! It’s not his job to verify what shes saying was true about where her kids were. This is not his fault. I swear i dont understand how people blaming him????????? They’re NOT HIS KIDS!!!!!!!
Daddy should have took his ass to court for rights. Too many men don’t exercise their rights as fathers. Lazy won’t go to court. Fight for your children MEN!! Watch who you stick to🍆 in
Sorry excuse of a parent AND person 😢
Skylar’s father ought to be ashamed of himself because if he wasn’t seeing his child he should have gone to court. The boyfriend definitely should be charged. No way the kids are safe in that filthy house.
Black “Queen” 101
Seeing pictures of the house is making me itch. Those poor children 😢
Some people don’t deserve babies 😡
The neighbors never heard those kids crying?
Living a double life is what they do nowadays..😒.
Imagine if this wouldn’t have happened, those kids would still be living in HELL.
BW stop, stop, stop, stop putting POOKIES before your children.
So she didn’t physically harm the children what the hell no baths no food the babies were left alone if that’s not physically abused what is. Damn moron. Rip baby we love ❤you
Where’s the dang fathers and grandparents??? WTH 😠
I’m sorry I’m wit the guy she was messing with. Them ain’t his damn kids. They just fucking! Y’all hold the man a woman is dating more responsible than the child’s father. Why? Because he comes with texts asking about the kids. THATS NOT ENOUGH!!! Take her big ass to court! Why he aint do more????? He thought asking about them was trying. As fathers, y’all have rights too!! Use them!
Fuck the both of them….just trifling af.💔….God’s child😢…….have mercy on them
No one heard them crying or smelled the stench?
She made sure to tell people that she didn’t do it on purpose? Are you effing kidding me?
She couldn’t stand the smell so she decided to leave children on their own to live in it while she went somewhere else? Yeah. Okay.
I wonder how the neighbors did not smell this stink!
Another worthless ” mother “
I can’t keep my house clean either, but I make damn sure my daughter is kept safe, loved, fed and cared for. There is no excuse or reasoning for this in the entire universe.
The apartment complex should also be charged, who continues to rent to this fithy tenant?
Sweet jesus 😢
I’m sure the apartment was fully paid for by the state so she could just go wander off and worry about nothing. No job just laying around with her boyfriend at his house. SMH!!
Her sentence should be the same she inflected on the children! Let rats chew her to death.
Sex , Drugs and Rap , she could care less about her children. All single Mothers on section 8 and welfare should have their Apartments inspected and children checked every month if they collect Taxpayers money. Too many Single mothers use Welfare for drugs and Alcohol…
How does a house even get like that? This is disgusting and subhuman.
Defund welfare scamming hos n pimps
Not feeding her kids but yet she is overweight. Go figure. How do you let your children starve and freeze? She and the sick freak dating her should both be locked up for good. Neighbors had to hear those children crying. Horrible.
Back in the 70’s welfare benefits like food stamps the case worker was in your neck of the woods, they came to your home to make sure a man did not live with you and checked on the kids, food etc. Needs to go back to that and going in to apply instead of all being done by computer and mail. May cost money out front but is cheaper in the long run. Would help a lot.
She was a nasty cow!!! How could any man lay down with her???
Those poor babies!! 💔💔 Those babies deserved a clean, loving, healthy home with good parents!!
Why didn’t she just release them to CPS?
I was gonna say why didnt the boyfriend just come to her house but I see why GOTDAMN!!!
This big beast looks like she never missed a meal, though!!, How could you leave completely vunerable little souls locked in a house with no supervision, probably terrified distressed & calling out for their “mother”,?!!😡 Let alone how did she walk in & out looking at them clearly suffering & just shut the door again?!😡sickening!!
She’s a disgrace and her funky azz has the audacity to be rapping about getting money etc. Give her life in prison. RIP to to the beautiful babygirl she didn’t deserve this 😢