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White NFL player locked-up for abusing black girlfriend

NFL player pummels girlfriend.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
SEATTLE — This week’s “I F*cked Up A Good Job Award” goes to quondam Seattle Seahawks lineman Chad Wheeler who was sentenced last week to 81 months in prison for beating his black girlfriend’s ass. The pummeling transpired at Wheeler’s apartment on January 22, 2021 in Seattle, Washington. It took 3 years to reach a verdict. According to police reports, Wheeler — a 6’7″ white guy who weighs 310 pounds — beat Alleah Taylor (who’s 5’9″ and weighs 145) to a bloody pulp when she refused to bow down to him. He also broke her arm, then strangled her until she blacked out. When Taylor finally regained consciousness, Wheeler said, “Oh, you’re still alive?” Then he said, “Bow down to me,” as blood poured from her nose and mouth. Taylor suffered permanent facial scars and her arm remains in a brace. Zaddy jacked her up pretty good.
Police said it’s one of the worst cases of domestic violence ever.
Taylor testified against Wheeler in court to ensure he got locked up. She’s happy with the sentence. “I’m very satisfied,” Taylor told reporters. “It’s very unheard of that a Black woman was able to get justice from a white NFL player. A lot of people doubted that I was going to receive justice and he was going to go to prison. I’m very grateful that I was able to receive justice… and that is a message to be sent to other men in power – that they will be held accountable.”
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, a white NFL player who also dated black women, went off on Wheeler — saying he doesn’t belong in the league.
“What’s happened with that young lady is… there’s no room for that in this world,” Kelce said during an appearance on 4th & Inches.
“And he should be dealt with, accordingly.”
Taylor said she’s doing some modeling and she’s also an advocate for domestic violence.
During sentencing, Wheeler told the court he suffers from a bipolar mental illness.
Do you think CTE was involved?
Watch Taylor explain what the f*ck happened, Wheeler’s court appearance, and Kelce’s interview.
Share your thoughts.
she is a black girl that was in a interracial relationship and she was dating white guy football with long hair and he is 6 ft 7 and he has bipolar disorder and mental health issues and he was in a manic episode and he beat up his black girlfriend taylor and he made her nose bleed and she had blood on her face and her eye was red and bruised up and she has a cast on her arm and she is healing and her boyfriend is in jail for what happened.
Lol 😂 they gone get him in Prison
When a black woman dates a white man and forgets to put extra mayonnaise on his sandwich…THIS HAPPENS! Never run out of your supply of mayonnaise.
She’s lucky she got out of there alive. Lock his ass up!
I’m just gladd he didn’t kill her
That’s what you get for dating a Cro magnon
She needs to sue the NFL. CTE has destroyed both of their lives.
Chad Wheeler: I didn’t du nufin
She thought life was better on the other side and would have surely stated love has no color.
He on the other hand reminded her that she needed to kneel before him because she was his plantation puppy.
This is a swirler’s fate, nothing more to see here.
Football players are extremely violent people. They earn their living by being extremely violent. On top of this, their brains are battered within their bruised bodies. Remember Aaron Hernandez? This young lady is lucky to be alive.
sometimes you gotta smack a bitch to get her in line
Date white if u wanna. Don’t start crying when they show who they really are.
@rattales: They always do, I know a lady who almost ended up dead behind her abusive white ex husband, she even admitted he used racial slurs around her when he got mad, I’m glad she left and alive to tell her story but these heathens always show their true feelings in the end.
We black people do have to stay away from these people, now if you wanna date people of different color date them, but at this time, it’s just not at the right time to, get with your own kind for now, this is just sad what happened to her, now yes, there is a MINORITY, that are not like this, not all white people of course, cause if we start generalizing a group of white people for what these racists do, cause we are no better than the workers at Fox News that generalize all black people for what one black person did, and yes, she should’ve stuck with her own kind, it’s sad for what happened to her, very sad.
Stay over there; not wanted! She no longer is my concern!
Damn…he tried to kill her!!!
wow, a Chad named Chad
When the police comes to the house he locks himself in the bathroom. Typical theses cowards can never face off with another man only attack defenseless women.