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Pookie kills daycare center owner ’cause she’s too ugly

Terrell shot Cantrelle on Thanksgiving/Crime Corner

Convicted felon deletes ex.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

SAVANNAH — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Terrell Akeem Nelson, 31, was thrown in the slammer after he deleted his ex-girlfriend, 34-year-old Cantrelle Hayes-Ross, because she was ugly. The femicide transpired on Thanksgiving Day (November 28, 2024) at Cantrelle’s daycare center — Friendzone Learning — in Savannah, Georgia. According to reports, Cantrelle — a victim of domestic violence — told Terrell she was sick and tired of being his punching bag and she wanted out of the relationship. Then they had contretemps on social media. Cantrelle told her followers she’s excited about moving on with her life. Terrell said good riddance after calling her ugly. Days later, the unthinkable transpired. A jilted Terrell called Cantrelle and begged her for reconciliation. After she declined, Terrell showed up unannounced at Cantrelle’s daycare center to give her one last chance to take him back. When she said “no,” the simp pulled out a gun and opened fire — striking Cantrelle multiple times. Authorities responded and performed CPR. But it was to no avail. Cantrelle was pronounced dead at the scene.

Terrell was arrested and charged with murder and aggravated assault. He was also slapped with a parole violation for blowing Cantrelle to smithereens. He’ll spend the rest of his miserable existence behind bars. What’s sad is Terrell has a rap sheet comparable to Charles Manson’s. Yet, Cantrelle ignored every red flag 🚩 despite being a successful business owner.

Ladies, choose better.

Terrell has been incarcerated a mind-boggling 10 times for armed robbery, firearm possession and probation violation.

He was also accused of murdering 27-year-old Achmed Kiwaan Williams, but he was acquitted despite eyewitness testimony from a neighbor.

Ain’t that a bitch?

Terrell was released from prison in 2021.

Now he’s back in the penitentiary where he belongs.

Social media reaction was wild.

One commenter wrote, “No matter how ugly she was, you don’t kill anyone.”

Another chimed in with, “Women date bad boys then turn around and call all of us men bad…… Smh.”

A third person added, “They both are hard on the eyes. I can’t even lie 😩.”

Family members said Cantrelle was very passionate about her métier.

She simply loved kids.

“She decided she just wanted to go into the childcare field and went from being trained in childcare to her own daycare,” Cantrelle’s parents told reporters.

“[We] knew she was going to do it. Man, these kids are her whole life. They were her life.”

Terrell and Cantrelle appeared to be the perfect couple on social media.

They posted several videos that shows ’em tongue kissing and canoodling.

But, behind closed doors, it was nothin’ but hell.

Watch the explosive documentary.

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This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. Wow she was such a bright light beautiful inside and out may she rest in peace ❤. I’m so happy Justice was served.

  2. Omg! They look alike and have a deep voice like two men! She knew better. Rip ❤

  3. She has a unique look but she’s not ugly. He’s the ugly one. Ladies be careful. Rip ❤

  4. This girl is not ugly…I’d call her interestingly attractive. Now throw that personality & warmth on top….loved her package 💝

  5. I wish black women stop being so desperate and stop dating these bums. Smh. Rip young lady

  6. Why these women 😢 look for love ❤️ in these pathetic bums . She had a good business with kids . My condolences 💐 to the family

  7. Yall need to stop posting everything on social media. And why would date a guy with a violent criminal history.

  8. So many women get to a point of desperation really picking the bottom of the barrel type guys and if you ever see a couple sharing private moments on social media it ain’t real….you can tell she had low self esteem that ugly comment had her in her feelings ladies especially black woman do better stop picking pookie and Ray Ray

  9. Sorry to say he got his wires crossed he is the ugly one she was the cutie

  10. He needs to burn in hell 🔥👿🔥 it’s always the “man” that suppose to love you. This hurts me I’m tired of abusive “men.” She looks beautiful on the inside and out 🥀💜

  11. She wasn’t ugly at all. I wish our Dear Sistas will love themselves first and MUCH MORE than these men who DO NOT. Put your trust In GOD. And he will lead you into a union that’s ordained by him. Not by your own understanding, lust or temptation. It’s sad too that grown folks are still looking for validation online. Social media is becoming the Devil for those who are insecure.

  12. I bet she was financially supporting his ass. Her money wasn’t ugly!RIP🙏

  13. My condolences to the deceased! She should have remained single and stuck to her child care!

  14. This is cold blooded to do this at a day care center!!! SMH!!! May she rest peacefully and my condolences to her family and her loved ones!!!

  15. Dam black man this is how we living ? Insecurities man tf up stop being terrorizing our people and terrorize the white man whose terrorizing you y’all chumps

  16. If he thought she was ugly why he wasted his time with her and took her life when she dumped him? She wasn’t ugly but she made an ugly choice by giving this thug her time of day. Women of all races, stop wasting your time with these thugs with a criminal record, it’s okay to be with a man who doesn’t have a criminal record and makes an honest living. It’s also okay to love yourself and be single! RIP to this woman.

  17. What a disgusting piece of sh*t 💩 he is! Thank god he’s behind bars.

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