Brotherly love nonexistent. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a sibling rivalry goes tragically…
Young thug murders older girlfriend and her daughter

Jilted lover kills mom & kid.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
HAGERSTOWN — The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. 22-year-old Javon Hines was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his 40-year-old girlfriend, Elise Wars, because she tried to break up with his ass after one month of dating. Javon also killed Elise’s 4-year-old daughter, Khori Ashton. The double-femicide transpired last Wednesday inside a hotel room in Hagerstown, Maryland. A housekeeper found their sanguinary corpses riddled with gunshot wounds. Javon was arrested 24 hours later and charged with murder. Elise, a victim of domestic violence, rented a room at APM Inn and Suites to get away from Javon. But he somehow tracked her down and took her life. What’s sad is Javon is only half her age. Elise could’ve been his mom. Makes you wonder why she didn’t copulate with someone older. Social media reaction was melancholic. One person wrote, “Age gap played a huge role. I’m pretty sure she didn’t want him anymore and his young ass snapped… So sad😔.” Another chimed in with, “Ladies it’s ok to be single. Wait until your kids grow up. These people are sick.” A third person added, “If you can shoot an innocent child you are a sick motherf*cker!”
Those close to Elise said she loved her daughter more than anything. They were practically inseparable. “Nothing meant more to her than Khori,” Shannon Monique, Elise’s longtime friend, told WUSA9. “She re-formatted her entire life around Khori. She had a heart of gold.” Priscilla Dorsey, Elise’s other friend, can’t believe she’s gone. They’ve known each other since they were kids.
“That was my best friend, that was my sister and family,” Priscilla said.
“It hurts. It really hurts.”
Should women, even if desperate, date men half their age?
Watch the sad report and interviews.
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After a month he’s not a boyfriend. Nothing less than Capital punishment.
These people are heartless !
These men around kids Jesus have mercy
We are living amongst demons covered up in flesh.
She dated him for barely over a MONTH. She didn’t know him after a month. Why the heck allow a man around your child after such a short period of time? He shouldn’t have met her child, or even knew where she lived, let alone allowed him in her house. Ladies, please let stories like these make you VERY cautious and brighter about your decisions when getting to know someone.
these dum bitches have any man around they kids just to have a man
Is it possible that he molested the Child and the child told the Mother ?? And he decided to get rid of them because I can’t think of another reason for this sick shit .Like beat his mothafuckin ass
This is sad. Single mothers MUST learn to look out for themselves and their kids….Two many Weirdos out there masquerading as sane men. Rip to them both 🙏🙏
Hmmm 40yr old BW dating a 22yr old young man, I can’t help but think that if it was the other way around there would be no remorse for the 40yr old BM.
All I have to say in this situation is the mother failed herself and her child. May the little girl rest peacefully.
when you doing everything to provide the best for your child, then you dont invite strange men into your home, no matter how much you think you know him. also if this stranger AINT SHIT, AINT GOT SHIT, AINT ABOUT SHIT, YOU DEFINITELY DONT INVITE THEM INTO YOUR HOME! NO MATTER WHETHER HE SHOW U HOW BAD HE IS OR NOT! STOP TRUSTING STRANGERS-MAN OR WOMAN! STOP BEING SO DESPERATE FOR SEX AND OR COMPANIONSHIP-it will get you killed.
Wow!!!lord 22years old their brains 🧠 are not fully developed yet and you wanna test the devil den 🙄 😒 ,with all do respect this is what happens when you don’t make good decisions even at 40 and sometimes later on in life we keep repeating these same patterns, stop cheating your own self out of life especially with your kids that’s not for the next person who you clearly don’t know. My CONDOULENCES to the family and r ❤ 💙 💕 i p mom and little angel
I see many wicked people in the comment section victim blaming. Age ain’t got nothing to do with this. 🙄
Throw the fuckn key away! Horrible person!
S. I. P. Khori and Elise
He had nothing to lose
Please make smart choices to protect yourself. “Dating” this dude and inviting him to the hotel room where your baby is at is risky behavior. Stay home and read her a book. Leave the street life alone.
What in the hell is going on?…just sad!…a 40 yr old should not be dating a 22 yr old and that goes for both men and women…like, come on now!…with that being said, he could have been older and he could have done the same thing, cause it seems like people are just unhinged these days…life means nothing to a lot and they just take it whenever, without batting an eye!…this is truly sad!…only a month and she had that sweet little girl around a “boyfriend”…I’m soooo confused as to why so many women just can’t date without having their kids around the men they’re dating…it’s sad, but this shit will keep happening!
why the f*ck was she with this young ass clown?????
Not to judge, but 40 years old dating a 22😮I am 37 single and I don’t look forward to date anyone, and I wouldn’t even date a 33 years old 😢😢sad she definitely made a bad decision. Ladies it is okay to be single, our kids come first
One of the reason I am not dating it is because my kids. I want to be able to give them all my attention
You men are cowards
Not to victim blame but why you a mother bring her child around a man she only known for a month? I have 12 years old son and I don’t even bring my son around anybody I barely know.
Ok why in the hell are you 40 dating a 22 year old. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason was because he didn’t get to drive her car. As women we have to do better. It’s best not to date until your kids are older or gone from the house. This baby didn’t get a chance at life.
This some sick shit.🤦
Us women just can’t catch a break with these men. The men PENIS is 🔥🔥🔥 and giving us all kinds of S.T.D.S. The men are on the D.L. and they don’t tell us. If they get a Sister pregnant they don’t want to pay child support. Dang!!!
What did she see inna 22 year old?
These people need to start prioritising their children and leave these dustie Kangz alone. I hope to God he gets the death penalty
This is why my mother didn’t bring me around men but few and far between and she didn’t get engaged until I was 25 😐
Desperate find a guy your own age, he could have been your son…
That man should have NEVER been in a hotel room with that baby!! Especially with her only dating him for ONE MONTH!! I hope he rots in hell where he belongs! My condolences to the family of the two innocent victims 💔❤️🩹
This is why I stayed single! My son is now 22 yrs old out on his own for now. People are just not to be trusted these days! May they rest in peace!
As a man
You SHOULDN’T bring MEN around your children. PERIOD. Until you are close to them. STOP putting things in your KIDS face. You SHARE a RESPONSIBILITY when things happen in your life. That should be a NO BRAINER! But to DEMONIZE all Men is CRAZY! It’s the TYPE of men you date. Try to PICK better suitors . But at the end of the day WOMEN and MEN die by the HANDS of someone they SUPPOSED to love. Most women ESPECIALLY Blk women have UNREALISTIC views of men. BUT I’m SMART enough to know that it’s NOT all Blk women.
Why in Sam hell would this Sistah ( 40) even entertain a 22 old man , he could be her son. I don’t feel for her, but for child.
It’s not about age it’s about character. These comments about him being 22… It doesn’t matter. Not all 22yo are homicidal. But we all need to vet others we are considering dating. Vet he/she for a very very long time especially if you have children.
Don’t have kids.
What a coward….I hope he rots his losing ass in jail forever
Such a pretty mom and daughter, you see love 😍 in both of them 🙏❤️
It starts in the home. These men r growing up with no fathers around or toxic homes and becoming monsters n k!long everyone for no reason. This isn’t cool at all like there’s no more respect left. The woman didn’t deserve it either but to shoot a lil girl is just cold 💔 I hope he gets every thing that comes back to him ten times fold 💯
what the f*ck is a 22yr old boy gonna do for a grown azz 40 yr old woman?
Everytime My 10yr Old Tells Me She Wishes She Had A Father Figure Already, I Show Her These Types Of Videos To Remind Her Why I Haven’t Let Anyone in, Men These Days Cannot Be Trusted ! Same Goes For Women , They Be Killing Their Significant Other As Well , It’s All Just A Damn Shame 😔
Ladies Stop Getting With These Little A$$ Boys Who Are Nothing But Criminals, Doing Nothing With Their Lives !
Y’all don’t know if that man did that. Until you do know STFU!!!
This is wrong believing everything without the facts. we should hold judgements before knowing fact this seems like satire just by the first line with the use of “pookie and ray ray”. As a POC that seems insensitive when lives were lost. This is a sad story and isn’t something to be made light of… seems like Innocent until proven guilty goes out the window when it comes to everyones personal judgements but the truth is no sin is greater than the other. Regardless of how “good” you think you are compared to a murderer, ped*, thief, or worse, sin is sin we all can be forgiven but none of us are capable of giving true judgement bc we don’t have that type of power. So caught up in the speck on your brothers eye but pay no attention to the plank in yours…If you are reading this, God loves ALL of us, I pray you find peace and understand that we need to stop violence, hatred and spread love. That’s the best thing we can do in times of tragedy.
For all we know, she was trying to leave him and his dusty broke azz unalived her and her daughter to rob her bc he had no money and was angry he would be homeless.