Pookie tried to delete ex. Blog King, Mass Appeal COLUMBUS -- The adventures of Pookie…
Husband deletes wife over McDonald’s burger & fries

Hubby kills wife over a burger.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
DALEVILLE — When buying fast food goes tragically wrong. Ricky McCray, 45, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his wife, 37-year-old Stephanie McCray, because she wanted a Big Mac in lieu of a Whopper🍔. The femicide transpired on July 13, 2024 in the drive-thru of a McDonald’s restaurant in Daleville, Alabama. According to police reports, Ricky and Stephanie had contretemps in the car while they waited for a greasy-ass burger. They were so loud, a cashier heard ’em cussin’ each other out through the intercom. As the quarrel intensified, Stephanie — a victim of domestic violence — asked the worker to call police because Ricky brandished a gun. As soon as they pulled up to the window, several employees descried Ricky’s pistol and ran for cover. Then they heard 3 shots and called 911. When officers arrived, they found Stephanie dead in the vehicle.
She was shot once in the chest and twice in the countenance.
Ricky fled on foot like a lil bitch. But, three days later, investigators were able to identify his black ass through area surveillance footage. Ricky was subsequently arrested and charged with murder. He’ll spend the rest of his miserable existence in prison. Social media reaction was vicious. One commenter wrote, “I wonder why these women even give these raggedy-ass men a chance.”
Another chimed in with, “Damn. This some real life Martin & Gina sh*t!”
A third person added, “I bet she told him she had enough of his sh*t and told him she was done and he unalived her. You know these men think that women are their property.”
Stephanie, a mother of two sons, studied at the University of North Alabama and Jacksonville State University.
In addition to murder, Ricky’s rap sheet includes menacing and prostitution.
Ladies, choose better.
Watch the explosive documentary.
Share your thoughts.
She was sooooo pretty. Jesus
He looks crazy and unstable
Ladies, if you know you are in a relationship that is not healthy and your partner is emotionally unstable, sometimes it’s best to let whatever go and use discernment… Remember, living is the most important thing.. you know the guy your laying with, don’t argue, let them have it and when your in a safe place RUN! police reports, gun, call the hotline to help you if need be, if you can make a getaway plan and leave.. you can get a new everything, but til this day not even the wealthiest person on earth could figure out how to bring themselves back from death, just saying…
It’s always a broke man who married a successful woman.
Yall really be out here marrying anyone for a title and image.
Women are always told to give men who aren’t on their level a chance smh ppl really love to watch women suffer!
Hmmm…I wonder what was her role in that “argument?” Not knowing when to shut up. Not over-talking her husband. Not being at home cooking a proper meal 🍴 instead of fast food … Another modern wife out of place & out of order.
Hold up wait a minute. He has prostitution arrests
Notice the pattern and Divest my beautiful sisters
I think the gun misfired…its a misunderstanding.
Give him probation and couple hours of community service.
Prostitution charges?
A lot of black women are very successful in life and educated. But man I will say a lot of Black women can’t pick a decent boring man. They settle for the Pookies and Ray Ray’s of the world. And yes, I’m a black man.
These emotional Dusty Brokies cant live with you and can’t live without you.
We have raised a generation of men that hate women, that will kill at a drop of a hat condolence to the family.
You can’t trust no one. Except God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
dam imagine dying at mcdonalds smh
She Married a Dusty
Imagine if it was over a large fries or medium fries…smh be crazy to get killed over some food ..RIP
He looks like a runaway slave. Not a good look
He was suppose to be her protector. SMH
Dam what possessed him to shoot this lady 3 times close range? These demonic spirits are literally taking over. Gotta stay prayed up
Women need to start teaching their sons. That she is not yours it’s just your turn.. if you start teaching your young boys that they will begin to let go when it’s best for them….. And that’s coming from a man and that’s for real….. That’s why fathers important in the home
People here calling her educated and successful. Most of these Pookeeshas attend diploma mills and are functionally illiterate with zero critical thinking aptitude. They do Pookeesha jobs.
This just another Pookie and Pookeesha love story. Same story with two different bad actors. You put Pookie and Pookeesha together and this is always the outcome. Stop bing a Pookie, stop being a Pookeesha.
He has prostitution charges??..not solicitation??
Not smart! She should have never told drive thru staff that her husband had a gun, call the police. Smh. There she was in an confined space with no where to exit to. Her husband was already enraged! And you tell others to call the cops on him.
People use “common sense” . I can tell anyone that likely her actions wouldn’t end well. I’m in my 60″s. Partly why I’ve reached this age is by using common sense!! The other reason is by the grace of God.
She escalated that situation. She should have used what she knew about him. Be totally quiet or try to talk him down. Do not argue with anyone who has a gun nearby.
My condolences.
Another Pookie picker got picked off by a Pookie, these chicks don’t learn.
He was jealous, insecure, and looked old for his age, whereas she was attractive. He hated her so much, he killed her in broad daylight, in full view of some terrified restaurant workers.
He wanted to pretend to be a loving husband and protective father on social media – all an act. He wanted NO ONE to suspect him, when he did what he did. To me, this act was pre-meditated. He was a bum and his wife wanted nothing to do with him after she realized that. 10 years he love b0mbed his wife and for 10 years she fell for it – until she didn’t and wanted out. LADIES….leave in silence. Take your vehicle to the shop and ask the Technician to check it for GPS tracking devices. Then, end things with that demon male by simply leaving (with your child/children). Do not tell him a head of time. Change your phone number, close all your socials, cut off all your mutual friends and go to a woman’s shelter across town or across state, REGARDLESS if children are involved or not. Don’t tell anyone where you are except for your own mother. PROECT your life, ladies. Males out here can’t handle rejection or when you want to end things with his bum ass, and that could translate into him un-aliving you. Smh.
Men so freaking emotional now days AND they can be with a new chick the same night….but soon as a female wants out its do or die. What a coward. So senseless and sad. Beyond pitiful
What did she even see in that..she was too beautiful for him
A reminder to not date men beneath you in character and morals. They hate to see a woman succeed and will try to break your spirit, if that doesn’t work, they’ll take your life.
I’ve learned so much by watching true crime stories. I’ve seen it happen to good women and it’s engrained in the back of my mind
He was jealous, insecure, and looked old for his age, whereas she was attractive. He hated her so much, he killed her in broad daylight, in full view of some terrified restaurant workers.
I don’t understand why you women Shack up with criminals, if he carries a gun around just to go to McDonald’s , that’s a “Red Flag” đźš© the abuse some of you women endure and stay with these low life’s is amazing